Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Nightsaber [Beast] [Persistant]
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* Race of character/NPC - Nightsaber
* Name of character/NPC - Nightsaber... I guess, may be named.
* Exact modelID requested - 11454
* Duration that character will be used - Persistant
* Purpose for the character/NPC - The Nightsaber would be sent off to look over specific people by the command of Tirius. Or it may simply just be a group Nightsaber, friend and pet to all specific friends in a group.
* Location the character/NPC will reside - Whichever character it has been assigned to, it will be somewhere in that location
* Level requested - 50... Or 80... I don't mind.
* Any special equipment needed - Nope.

Basic explanation: Well I was thinking since Tirius is a Beastmaster he'd be able to assign an animal to look over specific people. Now I was thinking of making it revolve around the guild so the Nightsaber would only trust and look over those specific people, however it may just be whoever he sends the Nightsaber to look after. I guess it's for people who aren't a hunter class, also gives a chance to give the Nightsaber a bit more personality and individuality since Tirius is a Beastmaster I'm not planning on having the Nightsaber be tame, it would be in a way feral and wild.

Of course this animal would not enter a town or city... Well... Not on freewill, nor will it be independent on it's own RP. Whoever it is assigned to it will be with while they are online, other then that, that's all the RP I'd get out of it. It would still be fun to try this aspect of roleplay where I'm not just RPing the hunter and the pet. But simply the pet, and since it isn't tame it wouldn't be just like any generic pet, in a way it would make it an individual and an interesting character experience to play if given the chance.

Note: I mean the young Nightsaber, like from the Nelf starting area, not the massive riding ones. :P

EDIT: Put in the correct displayid.
DisplayID = 11454 for a Young Nightsaber.
Thanks Bounty, I was unsure if it was the right one. :S
Archiving for now (player inactive).