Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Kiel'daz [Imp][Persistant]
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  • Race of character/NPC: Imp
  • Name of character/NP: Kiel'daz (in-game: Kieldaz)
  • Exact modelID requested: 16889
  • Duration that character will be used: Persistent.
  • Purpose for the character/NPC: Wild imp for interesting roleplay that could lead to storylines/capture RP by warlocks. Inspiring more PvE-like RP than PvP-RP/to simply create different kinds of RP.
  • Location the character/NPC will reside: Most likely around places where he wouldn't be outright killed. Neutral towns, evil places. He won't be outright running around. He might disguise himself as a gnome for shenanigans.
  • Level requested: 80
  • Any special equipment needed: No thanks.
Hint - If you plan on disguising him as a Gnome I would recommend making a separate character for the Gnome. If you wanted to do it the other way on one character that might of been a problem as a GM would need to actually change you into the Gnome and back each time you wished to do it.
Yup, I was thinking that actually :D!
Some demons have been shown to be able to take on the forms of mortals, but has it been demonstrated for imps? Imps aren't really on the same par of power as a succubus, a felguard, or a dread lord or whatever they're called.

It'd be more likely you'd play a warlock's minion.
Actually, Imps can. They're terribly underestimated. Just because they are tiny and physically weak doesn't mean they can't kick your a** given a chance. Also, Aulten would take himself a little Impy-poo to torture and cr-- I mean... To love and hug and show drawings of rainbows to. <3
I'm not saying they're weak, but I don't think they'd have all the same powers as a succubus or a felguard. Have they been shown to take on mortal forms? o:
I am certain it has been demonstrated once... But I'm drawing a blank as to where. >.<
I'd assume a imp could take on the form of a mortal, considering they have the strongest magical power, out of the rest of all warlock pets summoned. Taken at a lore perspective, they're given the most mana and can hold 'incredible' amounts of fel.
Archiving for now (player inactive).