Conquest of the Horde

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This is -NOT- meant to offend anyone at all.
Please be calm and read the post thoroughly.

Hey there CotH. I am sure many of you have seen the Custom Model Character submission forum section, and to this I am glad something has finally opened up. Why? Because I think that it is time we got to get a good way to get out of the box of the standard ten races. However I have noticed that there has been an increase of odd character submissions. There are really only about two normal character submissions up there. By normal I mean a race that is in no way over power, rare, hostile to both the Horde and Alliance, and other things of the like.

This shouldn't be the case as the forum has barely even been up a week, not even that, and we have more submissions for Demons and the like than we do normal creatures. Once more not to offend anyone, I think it is ridiculous for this many demon characters to be wanted. I mean it's no better then Millennium-WoW or Imperium, who allow(ed) them freely with near to no restriction. I hate to say it but... do we want to be compared to Milli and Imperium?

Guys, it really only takes Kretol to look at all of the Ridiculous Characters in there compared to the few normal ones and decide that the lot of us are apparently unfit for something like this. He can take it away because of the majority wanting to play so many odd characters.

So from one RPer to another, let's calm down on the Demons and Undead and Nerubians please. It's alright to go off the beaten path a bit, but let's not call in the Burning Crusade 2.0 or anything. That's my rant so I don't feel pissed off all night, thanks for not being offended.

Once again, this was -NOT- meant to offend anyone at all.
No offense taken, personally. But I feel the point of the custom characters is the ability to play something you wouldn't get to otherwise. The creatures in the forum are odd, but not necessarily overpowered.

And about the demon part; I own up to having posted a succubus profile. This was more due to the fact that the profile I PM'ed to the mods never received a response. Demons are flat-out fun to play, so it's worth persistence.

I'm curious. What's the overarching problem here? An incorrect ratio of some character types to others?
I just don't want it to be taken away due to the sheer number of Demons/Undead and whathaveyou compared to a normal character. Demons are powerful, and can easily over come a strong warrior of any race. I can understand not getting any response on something.. but it is ridiculous.

I can also understand wanting to play (and playing as) a demon. I've been on Milli and Imperium. They allow Eredar, freely I might add. And if you don't think an Eredar is OP, then something is wrong with you because they are extremely OP.

I'm not saying "DELETE THEM ALL", but I am saying Calm down a bit on them. There are creatures we can go for that aren't demons or something as such. Look at the race spinoffs, Dwarves and Trolls and such are there. Why not one of them?

It just boggles me as to why so many people pick the ' far-off wtf is that' creature to the 'nearby realistic' character.
I'm not sure I see the issue with this Thoradin... Nerubians, undead and Demons are overdoing it is the vibe I get from this kinda. Like Etmosril said, the point is to play odd races that otherwise would never get played. And it isn't like we're posting ideas and getting them approved with reckless abandon. I'm sure that everyone who posted an idea has a good reason for that specific character; I know I do. But, to each his own opinion.
There are several fun custom races that are both fun and practical.

A few of my favorites: Furbolg, Wolvars, Taunka, Centaurs, Ethereal, ogre, arakkoa, broken.
I've been wanting to get a Succubus for one of my Warlock characters (not me, somebody else.) I don't really see an issue with having someone RP as a warlock minion; it's just makes for more interesting dialogue and RP than simply emoting everything your minion says.
All right. But as I understand it, most summoned demons aren't very powerful. The warlock was capable of summoning and subduing them, weren't they? And I agree - Eredar is just wrong.

On the discussion thread, Bounty Hunter's made a bit of a post about what's likely to be permitted, and what's not. I've also noticed that Kretol's got a post in the subforum to the same effect, but it hasn't been filled out just yet. Perhaps we should wait for that, then decide what's going too far?

There are a lot of subraces, but they're not as compelling as other, more alien and intriguing ones. Take, for example, a subtype of Troll or Orc and compare it to.. oh, a Nerubian. The Trolls and Orcs vary from the 'standard' racial formula, but they're not that unique in the end. Whereas if you get to play a Nerubian, you're playing something completely different from what's been offered until now. Different in -every single way-.

And demons.. there's something fascinating about them, isn't there? The way you live, and keep reforming in the Nether? Working to the end of destroying -all- life? Having to work with the warlock who summoned you, while you probably hate his/her guts? Perhaps you're manipulating them into something? It's dangerous and fun, like playing with fire. I could think of a thousand things to do with a succubus without delving into eRP at all.

Oh, and people just like playing unique things.

Edit:Thoradin, I -love- your avatar. I want to play as a winged trollfaise too.
gnolls might be fun too, but I think they are too simplistic
Granted people like playing unique things, I know I do. It's just very disturbing to see the number posted at this very moment. I will admit to a bit of guilt. While I was a GM on Archaic waybackwhen, I had a Dreadlord. I had to work my ass off for him though, I had to RP with the Admins who had doubts and everything possible. And I didn't even go around killing mindlessly with him as everyone thought. The problem is that I am personally afraid of people taking advantage of the power of a demon or some such.

Summoned Minions are still powerful. A felguard or succubus can still slaughter any normal mortal without breaking a felsweat.

And you want unique? Look at Outland. Arrakoa, well that is different then anything I know of. What about the many indigenous creatures of Northrend? Of Kalimdor -and- the Eastern Kingdoms. Furbolgs are quite different than other races, so are Murlocs or Wolvar. There are loads of other creatures to play that aren't in the slightest like a subrace.
I don't think undead are that bad. Nerubians may be a little unique, but what about ghouls and skeletons if they were existing PCs that have been raised?
Oh and the Tuskarr, that is a great race that would be awesome to play
Wuvvums, honestly the undead don't bother me as the ones I have seen are player minions and such. Doesn't bother me in the slightest, I just looped them into that group because there are more of them than the bounty of unique creatures to play.

Also, Etmosril... One can be a Winged Trollfaise when the find the /b/romised land.
Any character, without even a profile, could slaughter a normal mortal without breaking a sweat if someone wanted to make them that powerful.
I can make a level 2 Mage. ICly, that mage could simply set any normal, pitchfork-wielding peasant on fire effortlessly. Power shouldn't matter so much; demon minions would be subject to the exact same limitations as anyone else. All someone has to do is agree to a /roll 100, no crits, no counters or something, and there you go.

Additionally, this doesn't need to be about power. This is an RP server, not a PvP server. Power exists only as part of the RP; we're not here to "beat" other players. Our powerlevels are relative, and simply here to fuel the drama; it doesn't need to be Dragonball-Z.

Also--warlock minions. There is really no big deal here. In my opinion, a special profile shouldn't really be necessary anyway; all this is changing is letting someone else RP as your minion, instead of just having to

/e's succubus totally attacks you, then hits on you shamelessly.
/e is totally mad at his succubus, who is played by him.

This way, it just comes out to

"Dammit, Kral'ia, stop hitting on people I told you to kill! Go to your box!"
"But master, I don't want to go to the box. It smells like cheese."
"Creative and compelling dialogue which is fun for everyone, since you are actually conversing with another human being!"
"Indeed, master. You win this round."

Chillax, have fun.

Regardless. As someone who's been playing a Demon for a while, I feel as though I should state that playing one can be a bit stressful. You're more powerful than most players. You have all these perks that benefit your character. You almost never fight alone, and in the case of some Demons, you can fly away if things get bad. They really have a lot of perks going for them. Really, the only major threats to them would be Paladins, Prestiges, and especially Demon Hunters.

When you make a custom model character, know what he or she can do. Ask GMs. Consult other players. Because you have access to things most other characters do not. Custom model characters must be 'consistent', and are judged much harsher than other characters would be. Know your character's power, so that you can inform other people of his/her power and quickly stop them from making assumptions on what your character can and cannot do. Consider putting this in your FlagRSP to avoid the inevitable drama. (Of course, I got ragged on for doing that, so... your mileage may vary).

When encountering a custom model character, try not to 'judge' how powerful they should be. Trust the player. Don't be all 'NU-UH, a (insert race) should be THIS strong, not THAT strong!'. Trust the player. It's going to be hectic enough for them to roleplay a race they likely have little experience with. If they ask for criticism, give it to them. If you really need to criticize what they're doing, then do it respectfully.

Consider going through a 'test run' with your character. Roleplay with a friend before you roleplay in the 'public'. Get a feel. Test the waters.

Chalker... sorry for derailing your topic. But, I feel as though I should just toss this down.

Trust people with custom model characters to roleplay them correctly. Don't go all criticizical on them.

Anyway. With custom models, we're going to have characters that are quite simply more powerful than most other 'non-prestige' characters. Simply role-play properly, and this shouldn't be a problem. Consider giving people a bonus if they're more powerful than you ICly.

It comes down to a case of 'who can be trusted with this sort of IC power' and 'could this really be roleplayed except in very specific scenarios'.
Xigo I.... I Love you and agree with you.
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