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I have searched the forums, and I was just wondering...

Is there anyway to kill someone while in Booty Bay legally? There is this "bard" who keeps annoying the hell out of my friend, then taunting me OOCly about not being able to do anything... it is really frustrating, and I can't follow them out there since my character is too low, and I have not yet recieved gruntship. It really irks me, and is there any kind of loophole?
No, there isn't. Sorry. But if this person keeps taunting you OOCly then there is a distinct lack of respect going on and that is against our rules.
He only did it once, and that was when I brought up the CW rules.
If they're taunting you OOC then I'd take the issue to a GM, as BountyHunter says. After all: we're all here to play a game and have fun.

It sounds like IC is getting a little too close to OOC (or rather, it already has).
If things hadn't gotten so muddled I'd suggest some ways to get thrm out of the bay:
* simply waiting until they leave they bay. No one can stay there forever.
* hiring someone to lure them out of the bay and into your ambush.
* kidnapping (or even just claiming to) a family member or associate.
* worst comes to the worst, get a shadow priest to use mind control and have the target humiliate themselves in public.
If they're doing things IC then you can't stop them. When you'r etalking about CW rules it seems to make me ask, was he doing what you were doing the other day and running around OOC in an area where people were RPing and jumping around etc?
The "Taunting"
01:48:11 [Thelviron]: And Del, if you piss someone off enough ICly, they can override your refusal for a CW... I believe that's how the rule goes.
01:48:20 [Delian]: wut?
01:48:24 [Thelviron]: *Sigh*
01:48:37 [Delian]: Where did that come from? O.o
01:48:42 [Thelviron]: If you make someone mad enough in-game, they can force you to accept a Character Warning.
01:48:51 [Thelviron]: Because on my alt, you refused to fight me.
01:48:58 [Thelviron]: And I just remembered that.
01:48:58 [Delian]: Yea. This I no- Which alt?
01:49:06 [Thelviron]: Meovloir. :)
01:49:19 [Delian]: Actually.
01:49:28 [Delian]: You have to get him in a place where you can fight him.
01:49:40 [Delian]: In the inn? He can flat out ignore you. and go trolol
01:49:57 [Thelviron]: Then good luck traveling with Miru anymore. That's asking to die. =)
01:50:15 [Delian]: Have fun with that.

Notice, the last time he encountered Delian, his night elf was trying to grab and drag him out of the inn to bring him outside of the city. It didn't work.

And no, you may not meta-game.
And now you're mixing IC with OOC.
I also fail to see how I have annoyed Miruka. In fact, I've been in the same party with her the entire time.
Alright. Let me clear something up, here.

No, you can never force someone to accept a character warning. If they walk into a situation where they would most likely be killed, they -should- accept the consequences but in the end, you cannot force them to do anything they wouldn't want. Just like they cannot force you.

And no, you may never "legally" kill someone inside a guarded city.
Loxxy said it and ermmm... I wonder...

Quote:[01:48:11 [Thelviron]: And Del, if you piss someone off enough ICly, they can override your refusal for a CW... I believe that's how the rule goes.
Quote:01:48:42 [Thelviron]: If you make someone mad enough in-game, they can force you to accept a Character Warning.

... Was just wondering...

Pretty sure in real life if you piss someone off enough they'll cry out for their blood, if you prod and prod and get in to a fight you don't DESERVE a choice, you deserve the warning, but thats just me. As for legally killing in a city, I'm pretty sure there -is- a way (hurr hurr smirky smartness) its called killing in self defence. This is assume the all seeing eyes of the goblins don't break everyone's spine first.
There is a way to kill peoples in towns, but only if both sides agree, and you need a witness + GM overseeing.This is called an assassination, where it's a 1hp 100% hit, the Gamemaster roleplaying the bruisers. Just my two :silver:
Kirabo Wrote:There is a way to kill peoples in towns, but only if both sides agree, and you need a witness + GM overseeing.This is called an assassination, where it's a 1hp 100% hit, the Gamemaster roleplaying the bruisers. Just my two :silver:
Still not "legal". :B

If assassinations were "legal", they wouldn't go through such a fuss to clean up after themselves afterwards (unless it was solely to avoid enemies persuing them for revenge).

Of course there are ways to kill people in cities, but you will have to think twice before you do it. In a heavily guarded area, you're more likely to be stopped by the guards before anyone actually dies. In a sealed environment, this is harder to enforce. However, if you kill someone illegally in a city, you still have to consider how you're going to get away with it when people find the body. And it'd be in your best interest to hide or otherwise get rid of it. And, you will have to be prepared to face repercussions for your character. Murder is a crime, folks.

And while I do agree that you should deserve the consequences of your actions if you continuously challange your fate, you still cannot force someone into a situation they don't want for themselves or their character.

If you, however, feel that a player is abusing the OOC safety-net of the Character Warnings, or generally are playing unfairly... Report it to a GM and we will look into it.
Loxmardin Wrote:
Kirabo Wrote:There is a way to kill peoples in towns, but only if both sides agree, and you need a witness + GM overseeing.This is called an assassination, where it's a 1hp 100% hit, the Gamemaster roleplaying the bruisers. Just my two :silver:
Still not "legal". :B

Oh, it was supposed to be legal? Wait a minute. When is killing legal? Oh, right. Never! Muahahaa! Muahahaaa-*cough*. In any case, I don't get the point of this discussion, because the question you asked is equivalent to asking if thievery is legal, of if slavery is pleasing the law.
Quote:If you, however, feel that a player is abusing the OOC safety-net of the Character Warnings, or generally are playing unfairly... Report it to a GM and we will look into it.

Happened to me alot of times.
Jurkey Wrote:
Quote:If you, however, feel that a player is abusing the OOC safety-net of the Character Warnings, or generally are playing unfairly... Report it to a GM and we will look into it.

Happened to me alot of times.

[Ctrl] + [PrntScr] is your friend.

Or the Elephant addon.