Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: What kind of RP do you like/tolerate/hate ?
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I thought it would be interesting to have a thread for people to state what sort of RP they like, tolerate, dislike, or flat out hate. To prevent meta-gaming, this should apply to the player and should not be character specific.

I'll start:

Likes: Sneaking, spying, religious horror and occult themes, crime, humor, chasing, conspiracy, character development and discovery through conversation, conflict, surprises, secrets, characters that are are emoted well and are rich in specific details and that have unique mannerisms.

Dislikes: *removed*

I'm ok with: Light plot planning, revealing my location in order to save time.... usually ;)

Maiming and death: As long as its rp'd well.

OOC Questions about my characters: I prefer that you learn about my characters though IC interaction and RP. Feel free to ask about about whatever though..

For all other stuff just try it ICly and see what happens.
Likes Tavern chats, exploring, merchant, traveling, large groups

Hates nothing really accept for ERP and slow moving RP

I normally don't participate in things I don't like or feel comfortable involving myself in. I like OOCing in the public channels while RPing.

EDITED for niceness
I can see this thread going in a very bad direction.
Yes, I can see how this may cause some conflict later on...
I'll keep it simple then!

Likes - Development

Dislikes - No Development
Buahaha. My lists aren't that long.

Likes: Evil RP, Conflict, Combat/War, opposing groups vyying for power.

Dislikes: RP that leads nowhere, RP that creates OOC drama, Concepts that should never happen or be allowed, but still do.
How will it go in a very bad direction? O.o

Likes: Roleplay that isn't light-based, happy and friendly. Usually more darker, mental, and well thought-out character development. Horde. The development of a character through roleplay of the 'evil' genre.

Dislikes: Ooc silliness!

I'm ok with: Ooc questioning!

Maiming and death: I go along with anything as long as it seems that it's something that would icly be fitting, I'll usually accept all CWs, and maiming, sure.
Like: Useful

Tolerate: Not useful

Hate: Tavern.
Removed the troll fodder from the op. I too see how this could potentially turn into a fault finding jamboree...
Likes: Large-scale events. Multiple events for similar purpose. Also, single random events. RP with a storyline that is going somewhere.

Dislikes: Pointless/stale RP. Not RPing at all =P.

I'm okay with: Anything not mentioned in "Likes" and "Dislikes"

Maiming and death: Ooh, where?!

OOC questions about my characters: Bring 'em on!
Likes: action, adventure, and maiming. I also like romance and cutesy cuddly stuff. Troll and gnome rp is also rather fun.

Dislikes: Big events with rolls in them. Seems that roll combat really bogs down a situation, and I would prefer something that is done by trust, or doesn't have a boss fight at all, but instead exploration and puzzle solving.
Likes: Most kind of RP, that is done properly. Actually, -all- kinds of RP if it's done properly, and it leads to character development and actually exploring more stuff about your character. An example would be Coriv having an IC romance, which lead to great character development.

Tolerate: Tavern RP. Sometimes, it's cool if it includes chatting with some unique characters.

Dislikes: Like Wuvums said, events or huge fights which takes ALOT of time. Waiting for 10 minutes before emoting is boring.

Maiming and death: Sometimes, it can be cool if done properly - and mercy is imo, sometimes way cooler, even if CWs were given. Character Death's kinda became a cliché, because people know that a character death is just a weeks obstacle - heck why people kill each other all the time. It should be taken more seriously ICly, and I believe that often, people kinda meta-game, knowing they will get rezzed in a week. If you can make cool RP out of maiming or death - sure! Public execution, hang a man in the gallows, poison someones drink in the middle of a populated area? That's good RP. Pulling someone out of Booty Bay and be lucky with your rolls isn't.
Likes: I adore exploration/infiltration/sneaking roleplay. I really do, because it has the character of non-expectancy and constant surprises. I also like fights, but will be further explained in the following section. I also like science RP and stuff. Concocting, making gadgets. Yay!

Dislikes: I dislike roll fights. Deer critter beating Arthas due to better numbers? Lame.

I'm ok with: Romance RP. Of course, a big part of character progression is getting a GF/BF and getting married, but still seems useless to me.

Maiming and death: Seems completely fine to me, as it is, again, a part of character progression and advancement.

OOC Questions about my characters: "Better safe than sorry."
Likes: Trolls.

Dislikes: Not trolls.
Likes: Sneaking, trading, smuggling, trust fights, heroic and dramatic moments.

Dislikes: OOC drama. Lore bending. Roll fights.

I'm ok with: Hmm... Romance... Tavern

Maiming and death: I'm okay with it.. You can even kill my characters without a CW, though I would like to know the IC reason for it, at least OOCly. And I never ressurect my characters, because ICly, revivals can be very hard... specially if the body has been -burried- for more than a week..
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