Conquest of the Horde

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I'm not trying to come off as arrogant here, if you think I am, trust me, I'm not ^^

Hai guys.
So, personally, I miss WSG, so do many that I've talked to about this. I understand that there was a lack of activity on the server at the time of the restart, and WSG was too big. But I only ever remember there being a few people there and I much preferred it to GMI. I prefer the space to run around in, to the crampt conditions of GMI. The landscape is also more simple, making locating things and PCs [player characters] easier.
Could we bring it back?
If there is no way to do this, that's fine.

Arathi Basin's condensation to the Horde Warship is excellent, thanks for that! If it were possible, could the area be condensed further? A ring, such as the Argent Champions arena, would probably provide enough space and would be easier to navigate around to get mats from various vendors, which has to happen with many professions. It'd just make the drag of levelling a profession that little bit easier.

Next up...I love Rigley's construction of the Path of Death. I really do. I have one criticism: Post restart, the Stairs of Hell, etc, had teleporting items, that allowed you to teleport back there, from anywhere, with a cooldown of 2 minutes. Myself, and others, used this instead of the OOC area hearthstone, because it was quicker to use, and allowed you to place your hearthstone on an RP area. It also allowed you, if you didn't like RP in an area you'd travelled to without a portal, to travel back to the OOC area at any point. A FANTASTIC tool, that I miss daily. It has actually affected my RP because if the RP is in obscure places, I have not wanted to try it out, because I may not be able to return to the OOC area if I dislike the RP. Shameful, I know.

Thanks for reading, if anyone has any more relevant ideas be sure to add them.
Polite criticisms and revisions are accepted ^^
I think the idea was to use the battlegrounds as potential areas for RP, and that was why the OOC area was moved, that and some people thought WSG too big, hehe. Since WSG was before the restart and server core change it would also have to be rebuilt from scratch, which could be a pain, especially since we already have GMI.
Thoughts for the eventual update to Cataclysm, maybe? We'll have to have a restart for that anyway.
I remember the whole reason we moved it to GMI was that there was too much open space, too confusing to find things, and too many people dinking around in there. GMI is meant to be to the point so you can get what you need and get going on the RP that you came to the server for. Just sayin'.
Cressy Wrote:I remember the whole reason we moved it to GMI was that there was too much open space, too confusing to find things, and too many people dinking around in there. GMI is meant to be to the point so you can get what you need and get going on the RP that you came to the server for. Just sayin'.

Or, y'know. To take a break. Breaks are awesome.
I hated Warsong Gulch, as stated it was too big and it was easy to get lost when trying to find that one NPC you want. I liked the Troll place in Kalimdor, but GMI is pretty nice and makes the players feel special since they can go there.
c0rzilla Wrote:
Cressy Wrote:I remember the whole reason we moved it to GMI was that there was too much open space, too confusing to find things, and too many people dinking around in there. GMI is meant to be to the point so you can get what you need and get going on the RP that you came to the server for. Just sayin'.

Or, y'know. To take a break. Breaks are awesome.

I am saying, from the point of view of the person who decided to move everything from Warsong to GMI, because yes, I was the one who brought up the idea and started designing where things went there, that this was the original intent of moving it. From the GM perspective, people would get way caught up on the OOC-ness that was Warsong and rarely go off to RP.
Tales23 Wrote:...but GMI is pretty nice and makes the players feel special since they can go there.

Mmmyep. This guy's got the right idea. Not only do I feel special, but I also have a hill on which to stand. I was tired of that stump at the halfway point.

At any rate, GMI is perfectly fine. Better, in my opinion. The Zepplin does, however, have tendency to bug for me, causing all of the NPC's to actually the ocean, and scattered around all over the place. That might be worth mentioning.
/reload ui

That should fix it. :D
Psht, I own that hill.

But in all seriousness, WSG was too big and in the beginning for new players, really confusing to find items and such. GMI is small and simple, easy to get what you need and head into RP, instead of running up and down a massive battleground to get what you need.
Cressy Wrote:/reload ui

That should fix it. :D

Cressy, I just facepalmed, breaking my nose and causing brain damage. You are brilliant.
I think WSG was too big. And the Move to GMI is practical, and convenient for all of us players who have it good. Like the additions, then complain when stuff gets comfortable. My only problem with GMI is that it's -too- convenient. To the point people don't want to leave. Granted WSG was confusing as hell to navigate through, but because of that space I usually saw 4 - 6 people by the mailbox and others riding around trying to find something.

I believe it was Hawk who said something like he's tired of people complaining about people trying to Kick mofo's out of GMI. I understand that people have a right to go or log where ever they want to. But I think more people are idle around GMI than they've ever been in WSG. Not trying to kick anyone out, or complain. Just an honest observation IMO. Now it's better though I don't know what happened but I'm happy about it. It used to be 15- 20 ppl in GMI and the rest in STV. Now it's how it used to be. 4-6 people in scattered zones. There for a person has a choice in which setting or location to bring a char. But I don't mean to derail the post.

I applaud the GM staff for selecting GMI over WSG, I think functionally its better. Moving it in my opinion seems very selfish in my opinion. No offense to Ben, I respect your opinion and feel similar to what you were saying. But after all the work they put into moving it, and adding things, and re-adding things. Nitpicking seems unnecessary.

I do agree 100% with the stairs of death Port as I used that all the time when I had a 30 min cool down on my hearthstone. But with the convenient portals, we can make it there it will just take a lot of time. The staff has done a lot as far as taking down most of the barriers of the game mechanics to help us with Rp. .additem commands, level to 50 token, the goggles for free, and teleporters to Everlook and Azshara. I think we have to meet them half way, show them we appreciate their work before we ask for more stuff. ( Not insinuating Ben hasn't ) More so myself than anyone in paticular, I just think it is something we could all keep in mind. I also meant no offense or ass kissery in this post. Just as always it is just my -opinion-.
Pharoah, fair enough, They're just ideas ^^ I'm taking Terants view. Cata would bring people back here, and new players, so perhaps a move to Shatterspear rather than WSG. It's not crucial.

I would really like those teleports back though, if it were possible.
Well, In Cata Shatterspear becomes an accessible zone for quests, so...

Heh. Can't really happen there either.
Uhh. Being in the line of a line of work that involves encryption, I'm gonna have to say to you guys that Cata is most likely never going to be available to the private servers. The way that they link the clients to the server involves a random number generator, that doesn't show any specific pattern. Basically, you are more likely to see the sun go super nova, let alone win the lottery.

Unless they get really, really lucky, Cata doesn't look like it's gonna get broken any time soon.

Edit: Unless they rebuild the client/server structure, which for your average cracker isn't an easy task. That involves quite a bit of reverse engineering, and in the past actually being able to figure out the encryptions has helped. But right now, Blizzard is trying to protect their multi-million dollar investment by phasing out the lax security and putting in measures that make it difficult to copy their programs.
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