Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Torn from Heaven [RC]
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The Forsaken gasped for air as his eyes opened wide. He was alive. Alive! How!? He had fallen in the bloody tides of Northrend! He didn't want to come back! He wanted to stay dead! Truly, truly dead!

He peered about himself, gazing at the scenery. Old, decaying stone walls surrounded him, as did members of the Forsaken, each wearing gas masks. They were staring at him, an air of malice surrounding them. He knew none by name, but he knew what they had done. They had torn him back from death. Ripped him from the only vestment of happiness he had felt since Stratholme.

The world used to be filled with light. Or at least, his world was. He was surrounded by his loved ones constantly. Though he never spoke with them, he did feel their presence. He felt their love. Their longing. Their comfort. They embraced one another in death, as if to make up for all the times they failed to do such in life. And yet he never held one person. The person he had searched for throughout his unlife. She was missing from that shimmering hall of light.

Now it was a dark place. He felt the familiar musky air of the Undercity about him, its putrid stench giving him a slight sense of strength. Yet as he tried to move from his table, he found himself unable to. For he was bolted down. No, not by shackles or magic. By daggers. Daggers pinning his body down to a wooden surface. A dark, feminine voice quietly laughed as he struggled in vain.

"A Forsaken Argent. A traitor in the flesh. You turned against those who saved you." The voice's body stepped forth from the shadows, shrouded in a concealing black cloak. Any identity was impossible to place, though the voice was... playful. Teasing. "You turned against those who sheltered you. And for what reason? Some... vague sense of redemption, I take it? That laughter returned, the Forsaken's eyes burning with hatred as he glared at the figure. "It matters little why you betrayed us, Argent. It matters little whether or not you will return to us willingly. For either way, you will join your people once more."

"Take him. Reform him. Let him turn against those who took him from us. Let him slay those whom wield the Light. Let him be their bane. A fate most fitting for one who would betray us to those whom worship the Light. No?"

The Apothecaries nodded their head in agreement. The Necromancers amongst their ranks turned to depart.

He would make a most fine tool, indeed.


Resurrected: Versich Devosh, Argent Crusader

Killer(s): About thirty Scourge ghouls.

Resurrectors: Undercity Necromancers.

Temporary Drawbacks:
-Trapped in Undercity.
-Mentally broken.
-Brainwashed into hating Light-Wielders.
-Lack of most emotions.
-Fanatical devotion to the Church of the Forgotten Shadow.
-Obeys almost any order given to him.
-New name: Argent.
-New rank upon a certain length of time passing: Executor.

Permanent Drawbacks:
-His body attempts to replicate breathing.
-He dreams.
He dreams? By the gods, Xigo, you are a cruel man.
Indeed. Quite possibly the harshest drawback ever placed within a resurrection post.

I'm not really saying it's something that needs to be changed but....I don't think that the Forsaken would hate him -that- much for being an Argent. I can understand the hate because he worked with Light wielders, but the Argents -do- fight the Scourge and the way I see it, there would be rather mixed opinions among the Forsaken not pure hatred for Argents. I think they'd be tolerant of them, not openly accepting, but tolerant.
Due to Seraphim's events, I imagine tensions between both the Forsaken and the Argents became quite high. The Dark Lady herself, according to his posts, became -quite pissed off-.

This is a sort of quasi-revenge.

The Banshee Queen was not happy. Weeks of hunting, thousands of gold in warships and munitions, and the greatest chance at rallying sympathy for her people had all vanished, with no results. A handful of human heads was hardly sufficient to sate her bitter wrath.

"My queen!" A familar voice echoed down the dank halls, burning Sylvanas' scowl deeper into her features. The elite Deathguards at either side of the entrance roughly grabbed hold of the Forsaken man's shoulders.

This time, she did not bid him released. "Giles, I lack the patience for your tidings..."

"But-but-but m'lady!" He stuttered, and lifted a wooden chest high over his head, "I have an offering, from the Argent Crusade!"

The dark ranger paused, turning her crimson glare to the box. It was finely decorated, with the symbol of Lordaeron burned into the wood in several places. Sylvanas awaited an explanation before reacting.

"It is the Talisman of the Scarlet Crusade! A relic of immense holy power, referred to by the humans as the hope of the Crusade!"

"Really." A predatorial smile appeared on her bruise-colored lips. "Bring it here."

The former human was dropped to his feet, and scurried before his foreboding mistress. He laid the box before her and shuffled back, his dessicated skull bowed low in reverence. The Banshee Queen looked over her newfound prize, and seemed to approve, judging by her cruel expression.

"The hope of the Scarlet Crusade. How fitting that I might hold it in my hands, that it may be crushed." She stroked a long, spiderlike finger across the surface of the chest, to its lock. "Soon, they will find despair assaulting from all sides, and finally crumble beneath the might of the Forsaken!"

She smiled, and worked at the coffer's locking mechanism. It was jammed, as though someone had taken a sword to the thing. Still the hideous, vengeful grin persisted, until the top of the box flew open in her hands.

For a moment, the chamber was silent.

"What is this, Giles."

The courier blinked, unsure what the problem was, but already convinced that he did not want to find out. He squirmed backwards, away from his angry ruler. "M-M'lady?"

The box was thrown, soaring across the inky darkness and striking a wall. It clattered to the floor, empty.

Maddened, ruby slits seethed in the shadows of the room.

It's mostly that first line that brings me to believe that tensions would be up there.

EDIT:I forgot to mention that technically, though he thought he was dropped from his position as a Deathguard, Verishc never was. He technically abandoned his post to become an Argent.