Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Well I'll be, one year...
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I'll usually notice in the corner of my eye to occasional thread about people managing a year on this server...sometimes I'd then look at my date joined thing that appears on each post to see if the minorly fateful day would come.

Somehow, it has become said date...somehow I've lasted a year..and it's been a blast. The Pride, Kidnapped (Parts one and Encore)and the excessively long stay of a Anchorite in the apparent hive of scum and Villainy Booty Bay, these are things that I remember with happiness. On that note, thanks to any Pride members that are still around (Flammos, Drust and Jackofblades, that means you :) ) because heck, on that very day Avints joined the pride, I was considering moving on from the server from noting finding RP of interest.

Thanks Coth for being around for some awesome rping. A new Coth year resolution as it were is to try and stop logging onto Ventus, and instead RP on some other characters for a change, keep your eyes occasionally on the personal's section when I decide what I'm looking for.

Avitz out.
*walks in to the room, blows one of them annoying blowy streamer things, then leaves*
Yay Avints!

...Sorry, I couldn't stop myself. Anyhow, you're very, very welcome. It's been awesome. /nod nod.

Why stop logging onto Vent? He's a great person.

I remember when I first met you, entering the Lion's Pride one day. I also remember Avints worrying about being tricked...
...And after a few weeks or so, I remember him being 'cornered', a 'situation' escalating and him getting the Light back and tending to Syl and Nahele.

Heh, how people grow. But yeah... You've been a great friend, Avitz, both IC and OOC.
Thank you.

P.S. /proceeds to hug Leon before he can escape.
-Walks into room, holds revolver at Avintz and pulls trigger. A novelty flag pops out of it which says 'Love you'-

-Promptly leaves room-
Heh... It's been a good year, can't imagine The Pride without Avints. Great you stuck around and hope we more memorable and fun RP moments.

/punches Leon in the face while he's being hugged.

That's from Tirius...
*Leaves with a broken nose, patting Bounty* I think I'll bring a gun next time.
*Glances around* Where'd all these doors come from that people enter?

As for less Ventus, well...every day I'd log onto him and stand staring out in Shatt or BB, now that Avints is once again walking about, I realise how much I'd entered a routine with the Anchorite. I'll still be rping him no doubt...just not as much. Anyway...

*Fires hook-shot at Leon* No escape from the room!
*Flies back in* OW! All these hugs and bodily harm...and It's not even monday.