Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Sprucing up the OOC livelyness!
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Hello! My name is Psychyn, and I figured I'd make a post with the ideas in my head and current feelings about the OOC liveliness off the server!

WAIT WHAT?! MORE RAGE TO GET OUT OF GMI? NOOO. Absolutely not, I wrote up this post because I want to place a few ideas and suggestions that hopefully adds to more randomness and relaxation on CotH when players are not in the mood to RP. I'm sure everyone has had that feeling, and stood around of GMI actually not finding anything fun to do but couldn't bother with logging off because your friends are on CotH! Or, you just being in a less positive mood and not caring to RP at all for a bit but in the mood for some OOC silliness! But after checking your pockets, you realise you can't or simply don't want to pay for Retail! I know I won't.

But aren't we a RP server?

Heck yes we are, and the best one around. But that does not mean we should solely narrow our eyes and be focussed on RP. We are also a community, one with many different views, roots, likes, dislikes and on goes that list. RP servers always have a degree of silliness, and you know why? Because it's fun. Have you ever looked back to retail, and went like.. "Despite not making any lore-sense at all, I had the best time RPing there?" Or "Despite his armor and weapons being so incredibly flashy, it didn't matter to me at all?" And add many more questions to that.

To those who played retail and RPed there, there are a lot who think it flat out sucked. That's fine, I look back and realise it wasn't exactly how it should be either, but it still was fun! Why as it fun? It had silliness, randomness, conversations, questing together, PvPing together and so many possibilities when you weren't in the mood for RP. Heck, I even RPed during a WSG match and was slaughtered due to typing while carrying the flag! Silly? Yes. Fun? Damn straight. These are ideas to make people step off from RP a view times during their CotH life, take a breather and just enjoy WoW! No serious looks to someone's gear or weapons, no prestige talk or RP impossibilities! After all, there's more in life then RPing!

Now then, I'm not much of a long epic poster writer so I'll hop to the suggestions I had in my head and actually discussed around a bit with a few.

1. Hide & Seek!

Let's just hide together, crawl up real closely before we are found.. /wink

I haven't actually had the pleasure of witnessing it myself sadly, but a certain Loxymonsturr mentioned it over chat and I was like.. "That sounds like fun!", I have been informed that players would be warped towards a zone or area and actually work in two teams just as the normal hide and seek. A few seek, others hide. Wouldn't it be a grand idea to get this back into the world of CotH? I know I'd be interested.

Possible GM help required, but I think we can do it without if we form a raid and enter a instance.

2. PvP Battle!

For CotH! For RP! For Pony!

Now, some of us have PvP cravings! I know I have, but doing so randomly on GMI might bother other players and cause lag. ICly it makes no sense and you don't want to lose risking your character, which is fine! So I've had the crude idea of adding a small regular PvP event to the server. Once every two months, or perhaps twice (A weekend if you will) it's PvP weekend in a place that gains no RP at that moment. It gives people a way to use those regions for something, and perhaps find new love for the zone! (WoW is bigger then you think!) I've had the following random idea for a mass slaughter:

[Image: PvPFight.jpg]

Behold my awesome paint skills, spoilered for size. Now I can see you thinking.. What are you looking at? What the hell is Varian and Thrall doing there? Or basically W T F? Allow me to elaborate! Linked directly into WoW's achievement system, there are these two called: [achievement]619[/achievement] & [achievement]For the Alliance![/achievement]. Have you ever felt silly enough to try and get them? I know I have, but we have rules stating we can't! Oh noes! What now?

During this first PvP event, players are given the opportunity to get it! BUT WE CAN'T KILL VARIAN / THRALL, AAAAH! We can! That's why it's a OOC event filled with SILLINESS that's available in the retail version of WoW! The event could be done anywhere, and may be part of a chain series of PvP events to get the entire achievement. It soothes people their need to slaughter, gives new OOC interactions with people and you'll be one amongst the many fighters trying to kill! Yay!

Here's the OOC story behind it:
It had been a quiet day for both Varian and Thrall like many others, usual diplomacy, bureaucracy, and world risking events that had to be fixed. They hadn't seen soldiers from the other side for a long time, and had became quite rusty. Upon that one day, where they both happened to be in the same zone with a small legion of soldiers, meeting each other on open ground, the only sound was that of the wind, cracking and howling against their backs.

Thrall: Ugh.. You again. What are you doing here?
Varian: I've missed cleaving your head the last time we met..
Thrall: Bring it then, shorty.
Varian: Oh I will! Have at it lads! For the alliance!
Thrall: Lok'tar Ogar! For the horde!

At that point, the fight ensues between both parties. Players are warped in if not already there, and the CHAOS OF BATTLE ENSUES. Stab the guards, stab your fellow player, and try to get either one of those monsters down! Why did I make up a story for a OOC event? Because I liked it and found it a good read for the thread! Spamming Moving on!

To be executed, this would require the help of perhaps one or multiple GMs.

3. Karaoke vent night!

Old MCdonald had a farm.. hiya hiya ho.

Heck I know I can't sing, but others can't either! This could take place on vent as the name indicates, and while I haven't been long enough on vent to actually see it happening, I have been singing like a cat who's tail got stepped on already. Am I crazy? Without a doubt. I think it speaks for itself, that when many people do it and have had a slight nip of one drink or another it can actually turn into something fun! Without a doubt you want to turn your PC speakers off, but still fun! Get to know your fellow vent'er by singing.

No GM help required, just people.

4. Drunken raid night!

Are you insane? Why propose this? ._. Psychyn!

Stolen off the retail guilds yet never performed by myself, how about a raid night? It only has a twist! It will be performed in the midst of the night, after going out and partying since it was Friday night again, you crawl half standing behind your PC and perform a raid! My name is Psychyn and I'm a alcoholic. The motto of the raid would be "Lighten up!" or "Hakuna Matata!", raids can vary and if the booze is freely spilled I'm sure it will be a awesome night, with load's of lol's, failures and randomness. Lich king anyone?

Perhaps crawling onto vent for this occasion would be a fun idea if you have a mic! Though I would request a closed eye or two regarding language at such a point, either in a vent private channel or solely in party. What happens during the drunken raid, stays with the drunken raid. (I'm not saying you should freely curse like a sailor, but looking at it realistically, people will curse.)(Looking at that, I'd say this to be a 18+ thing. Remember kiddo's! Don't drink and drive, and below 16? Bad you!)

No GM help required, apart from perhaps a vent channel.

Now, these are just thoughts, ideas and random things. Ideas and feedback are welcome, compliments on the post? Hit thanks! *Cough* No really, I rather have you posting a post to develop this more! If other's have great ideas, I'll add them below this message. ^.~

Edit: This entire thread was composed while listening repeatedly to Huda Hudda Huh!
I had no doubts about you hadn't ripped this off from somewhere else, when you suggested "Drunken raid night" :D
Sounds good. I'm /copying this into the Guild sub forum. Drunken raid night sounds like a WIN!
haha. Good fun, dear Kyl.
I'd look forward to a hide and seek event, sounds fun.
Psychyn Wrote:4. Drunken raid night!

Are you insane? Why propose this? ._. Psychyn!

Stolen off the retail guilds yet never performed by myself, how about a raid night? It only has a twist! It will be performed in the midst of the night, after going out and partying since it was Friday night again, you crawl half standing behind your PC and perform a raid! My name is Psychyn and I'm a alcoholic. The motto of the raid would be "Lighten up!" or "Hakuna Matata!", raids can vary and if the booze is freely spilled I'm sure it will be a awesome night, with load's of lol's, failures and randomness. Lich king anyone?

Perhaps crawling onto vent for this occasion would be a fun idea if you have a mic! Though I would request a closed eye or two regarding language at such a point, either in a vent private channel or solely in party. What happens during the drunken raid, stays with the drunken raid. (I'm not saying you should freely curse like a sailor, but looking at it realistically, people will curse.)(Looking at that, I'd say this to be a 18+ thing. Remember kiddo's! Don't drink and drive, and below 16? Bad you!)

THIS. I just did this the other night...It was great fun. :D
If we can 5-Man half of Sunwell Plateau, WE CAN 5-MAN ANYTHING!

Also, Hide and Seek was a frequent game of another server I was on. I has too much hiding places. e.e
This is a list of the best ideas I've ever seen. I love you.
Eh, OOC, IC, pretty soon it all just becomes C, and then you wake up one night, start acting like you're on radio, look in the mirror and say "...I never had a beard."
... :3

To fill you guys in on the Hide and Seek:

Way back in the days of Shatterspear Village still being our OOC area, it happened a couple of times that we would simply gather in some place and play Hide and Seek. Usually Shattrath (or, restricted to the Aldor's Rise). We would set up a strict number of rules, such as; No tracking skills, no using of the Player Map, no flying mounts (for seekers or the people hiding) and no mounts over the 60% speed ones.

You were allowed to move around and even hide in plain sight. As a Seeker, you had to turn off the display of any kinds of names of characters, NPCs, what-have-you.

If you were found, you joined in with the other Seekers. So. Don't gossip between you and the other people hiding. If they're found before you and you gave up your location, then it won't be long until they find you, too!

Some of the richer participants also built up a pot by throwing in donations in the form of in-game gold, for whoever won the Hide and Seek game.

(I was the lousiest Seeker ever. Ask those who know.)
Karaoke! Yeah! Singing is fun!


Thanks for the positive replies so far! With so many views I had admittedly expected more, but either WoW is SRS BSNS like a nub on GMI stated, or people are too afraid to throw in input!

Come on, give me yours ideas, your feedback, your piece of the mind! Bad or good, I'm sure we can improve this thread.
I'm loving this. I am down. And I don't drink, but worse come to worse I'll raid while playing Remyl in character.
I remember hide and seek in Stv..Someone got stuck behind was great.
To add to the PVP thing

How about a larger Warsong? Maybe you don't need to have a flag, if those don't work, but a GM would be nice. Every time it's captured, it moves around the zone.
Danalthar Wrote:To add to the PVP thing

How about a larger Warsong? Maybe you don't need to have a flag, if those don't work, but a GM would be nice. Every time it's captured, it moves around the zone.

Elaborate? I wouldn't know if the flags are actually working, but I guess it can be fun to hold it outside Warsong Gulch itself in a real zone. Sort of making that zone a PvP zone wherever people can go to.. well.. fight! That is, if I got your post correctly. ;3
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