Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Forever Alone..? Not quite. (RC)
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"D-damnit Tally..why?..."

Was the only thought running through Allwine's mind that fateful day, hammering away at the large un-worked block of metal as it glowed white hot, sweat dripping down her face as she worked on the paladin's sword.

"S-sword..must make his sword...s-so I can retire and leave.."

Rang through her head as she continued working, her stomach growled but was over powered by her thoughts, blocking herself out from the rest of the world. As if in a blink of the eye, she was looking at Jethro and Clare on the docks, slightly confused but going along with it anyway. Having polite conversation as she drifted in and out of awareness before shaking her head and coming back to the forge, smithing that sword.

"W-what?...oooh..Elune body.."

She thought as she was on her side in the jungles of the vale in the blink of an eye, everything drifting in and out as she makes out the familiar shape of Jethro.

"N..not like"

She uttered, her throat seeming surprisingly dry as she could barely even move, noticing she was being lifted before closing her eyes one last time, seeming to try and stave off death, but failing. The last thing she could tell before heading toward the Twisting Nether was Jeth, trying to bring her back and, sadly, failing.


A soft voice asks, obviously tired, Allwine recognizes it almost immediately.. Miruka. The priest that had brought her voice back from before. Her eyes opened slowly and she mumbled a bit.

"Welcome back to the land of the living.."

Miru said. Allwine just now realizing that she had died off, thinking she was alone.. But it seems that fate had other plans for her.

Killer: Patrick (Technically)

Resurrector: Miruka! Yay!

Temporary Drawbacks: Extreme weakness and fatigue, physical frailty, large thirst, random bouts of fainting.

Long Term/Permanent Drawbacks: Always a tad thirsty, sensitivity, slight weakness in her body, having a hard time concentrating on something for any period of time.