Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Connections to a Forsaken Assassin/Philosopher
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Hey all, I'm new here, but while I level my character and reacquaint myself with the world of Warcraft, I thought I'd try to ease my way intp RP. I'm very interested in trying to get new people connected so we can work together, but also in meeting the regulars here.

So here's a bit about my character and possible connections:

Dust is a Forsaken rogue, formerly a knight of Lordaeron.

Former Life Connections:

In his former life he was mixed up in Arthas' war, though way down the line. During the would-be Lich King's descent into madness, orders got mixed up across the widespread war, so the foot soldiers and such in different parts of the army got their orders muddled horribly as things went astray. So the wars went from hutning cultists to killing plague victims to mistakenly fighting innocents, from waging a mistaken war on the Elven to realizing the truth and fighting with them against the Scourge.

I think there could be some interesting opportunities for connections with Blood Elves that Dust knew when he was a knight (different name, different life), or even other humans and dwarves in the army, people he fought with and against.

Current Connections:

There don't seem to be a lot of Forsaken, so I'd be interested in establishing friendhsips, rivalries, business deals, etc.


Dust fancies himself a philosopher, having gone from pious knight to dead to cynical rogue, and is always interested in meeting with other like minds to discuss poltiics, life in Azeroth, and any other high concept and revolutionary views.
*Raises hand*
I have a character named Arn. He's a forsaken mage, and a hell of a philosophical old guy. I'm sure he'd like to have another intellect to talk to (seeing as though a lot of his friends can be real nimrods).
Cool, I'll add you as a friend.
I can supply Alarth, Gorose, Arken (skeletal mage minion for teh lulz, if Redis allows him to speak with Dust), Avanth, and... Well, actually, that's it. Gorose is an evil old b****** shadow priest, Alarth is the same, except a warlock. The two are terribly knowledgeable, but Gorose doesn't like to talk much. Alarth is more, "shoot first, ask questions later." Avanth is a crazy old mage, in whom brain rot is beginning to set in. Arken is... Well... See the parenthesis after his name above.

(Note: I haven't had the time yet to roll Alarth or Avanth; school is getting to me very bad currently. But when I get a chance, I'll roll them.)