Conquest of the Horde

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The Fire Heart Marines (Or FHM) (You had to have seen that coming)

The Fire Heart Marines, formed by then Commodore Robert Mars, was originally a ship of the Kul Tiras navy. Robert Mars and his ship “Ocean's folly” had entered several skirmishes with the enemy, be it pirates, Naga or other enemies. As time went on, though, Robert felt annoyed by the leash around his neck, which yanked him back to Kul Tiras constantly, freedom was little, the job, repetitive. Eventually Mars retired, buying the outdated ship as his own, with no technical military rank and no crew to follow him, Robert Mars had hit a fork in the road, he could re-sell the ship, probably for spare parts, or he could do his best to salvage a crew and sail the seas once more. Robert chose the latter. Robert put up posters, seeking adventurers and sailors who wished to see the world and make money doing it. After this, he took on a new image, throwing away his old armor and name and title and becoming Captain Mars, of the good ship Ocean's Fury. Now Mars –hated- pirates with all the bones in his body, and refused to take that path, instead he set his ship up on simple trade routes, the Ocean's Fury would defend cargo ships or carry the actual cargo itself (as long as it was all on the up and up) the ship would be hired to defend the waters from pirates, hunt down creatures that destroy other ships and generally do its best to protect Azeroth and its waters, thus was born, the Fire Heart Marines.

Things to consider:

The FHM's are NOT pirates, while they HATE pirates, they will not openly engage with every crew they see unless they have been requested to or the crew has been causing trouble.

The FHM's are a neutral guild, Robert Mars, while Alliance, realises that getting picky will throw him against one of the two factions, who could utterly destroy his ship and his crew should that faction deem them a threat, to be on the safe side, everyone is welcome (though forsaken creep him the hell out.)

The FHM'S morality is good-neutral. Good, they wish to defend the seas and coasts from whatever threat is present, Neutral, some are doing it for the cash or to escape their life. They are NOT evil and will NOT accept openly evil people, if you get onboard with skulls, flaming wings and such you will get a boot to the head, if you twiddle your moustache and laugh in the background you will get a boot to the head, HOWEVER, as shown below, there are exceptions.

Warlocks, if a warlock wishes to join, he must do 3 things, 1 he must tell Captain Mars, 2 he must promise never to use his powers to harm the crew or innocents, and to swear an oath that he will NOT do any evil rituals or summon demons in front of the crew UNLESS required by Mars himself. 3 NO WARLOCK may speak about his true self to ANY of the crew that Mars has not authorised (Usually Mars will only allow them to tell the officers) this is to keep the crew on the same side and not squabble about “Who sacrificed who's sister for that awesome succubus pet” the warlock will be limited to basic spells that can be passed off for mage spells. Should any of these three things not be done, Boot to the head? Yes, Yes indeed.

Death Knights are accepted as long as they refrain from summoning ghouls on board, as it is too soon after the war. What happens if you summon ghouls on board? Well Robert'll fire a cannon at the frozen sons of *beep*

Shadow Priests, like warlocks, must swear an oath never to harm innocents or do any sort of dark ritual on board. They must also refrain from using shadowform unless it is required.

Just because evil is getting a hard time doesn't mean good gets off scot free either, I know what you're thinking “But the FHM are supposed to be Good-Neutral! You said so” well if a Paladin starts to accuse the crew of being heretics (same with priests) or generally becomes a nuisance; Robert will boot them to the head and throw them in the brig like any other trouble maker. A good thing to know is Mars is NOT religious. Being a paladin won't save you from a boot to the head if you mess around.


At the top of the ladder, rests of course the Captain, original? Not really, but regardless, the following are officer ranks, should the Captain die, the top rank becomes the Captain and everyone moves up a notch.

Lieutenant (Lt). The Lieutenant is the second in command, as powerful and respected as the Captain himself, the Lt only takes orders from the top man himself. Should the Captain die or deem it time, the Lt is given the position of Captain. When the Captain is away, the Lt is technically the “Sub Captain” and is capable of altering the course of the ship and what not. The downside is any problems the crew or ship falls on the Lt's back.

Sub-Lieutenant (Sub-LT) is the person directly under the Lt and the next in line for his job. The Sub LT is more often than not the navigator (if a more qualified person is not present) and is usually the one who carries out the marine training if the Captain cannot.

Ensigns (Officers) are the lowest rank of officer, should everyone move up a notch, only one officer will become the Sub-LT this is decided by the current Captain and Lt. Ensigns watch over the crew, prepare them in battle and generally direct work flow.

Below this are the normal ranks of the FHM , of course, only Officer and Above get to attend the officers meetings and during celebrations, the below celebrate on deck while the officers celebrate below.

Marines are the basic soldiers, warriors, rogues with strength, really anyone who can put item a in person b to get injury c. Marines are the defenders and also the workers, keeping the ship maintained and clean.

Sailors are anyone who –can'-t fight like soldiers. Sailors are in charge of the cannons mostly but do combat if required, they are also in charge of repairs when a Marine cannot fix something (which, let's face it, is a common thing)

Jobs like Navigator and Chef can be given to anyone the Captain or officers deem worthy.

Finally, IC and OOC rules.

No fighting, unless the Captain authorises a duel.

No picking on other races or you'll get to be the anchor for a day.

What the Captain says, goes, if he tells you to shove that broom where the sun don't shine, you'd better be half way up your step ladder.

Don't screw with the wheel unless you're the navigator. If the course is knocked off, you get a spiked boot to the crotch.

OOCly all drama is handled by the officers, should it be officer drama then it is handled by the leader of the second and third in command, if it's the second or third in command's drama, I must have chose the wrong people, sounds like me really.

Interested? PM me, post here or find and kill Robert Mars

I mean contact.
Sounds like this will be a even greater laugh than what we were talking about, count me in JackOblades. I'll think a character up later.
Where do I sign up?
Sign up on this totally not soul devouring sheet. And yes I literally did give Mars a selection of boots.