Conquest of the Horde

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In all seriousness Wuvvums, all parts of the world expierence some form of winter, at some point; they are rating the stress level in comparison with that of the past months in line with a common mid-weter or eastern American/European standard of winter timezone. A place in the desert of the Middle East will still expierence the same span of time; despite lacking a true "western winter" complex.

And back on subject, I would have to say.
I used to hold events for the Horde side players, namely under my guild The Bloodsworn Honorguard. But you know, I have gotten really tired of some things and have been fighting with one too many people over things stupid. I don't know about others on this server, but trying to hold events and have freedom to do so and have fun can be heavily restricted at times. It more than once has more than hypothetically "killed" my attempts at doing something slightly "Different or new" and the attack line I have recieved is, "We didn't know what it was" or "It is not 100% supported by lore". Well, my normal everyday response to some of those statements would be very rude, and they would be based off of things that have happened on the server.

I wish I could freely keep holding events without the bull that seems to want to trail me. Normally people liked my events, but it was becoming so tedious due to negative, mostly over critical GM commentary. When everything was going fine in the context of a story.

But that is just me rambling.
The critical responses and seemingly overt application of lore/rules to railroad us into certain roleplays can be very irritating. I know it has severely killed my interest in doing anything more for this server considering the latest attempt of mine to do something as a player to the server. And being told "Do you really expect the GMs are going to use your idea?" my response was, "I could care less, at least I am thinking for myself".

So if I am ever going to keep up my activity on this server holding public events as I used too. Then I had better change my mind and conform to what I really hate. Or wait till the server recovers so to speak. Because I knew I was doing things fine until recently I believe that things will recover, but probably not as soon as I wish they would.
Brutalskars Wrote:Words

I agree entirely. I used to love your events, Brutal, but then the usual crap followed. Criticizm in a terribly unproductive and unconstructive manner. I've listened to some of the conversations, and it isn't at all pretty. Just because something you plan out isn't 100% lore correct means nothing, in my opinion. We have the ability to, hell, make tweaks and adjustments wherever possible. If two things exist, and you want to combine them, create a logical process to do so! We don't have to act in such a manner that when anyone has an imagination and an idea, we toss it in the toilet because "lore says it isn't possible." Really, that's wrong, in my opinion. Lore is a -guideline.- It states what -has- been done previously, not to the letter what -can- be done.

In short, I agree with you, Brutal, especially your last point. Either we need to accept the way the server seems to be going, which I know most won't do, or turn it around and take it back to the paradise for imagination that it was, as little as six months ago.
So there, there again that's just pointing the finger at the GMs, it seems. On the contrast side, I see GMs point their fingers at players.

...And then there is winter. Erm. That does effect attitudes, yes, but that's like saying "Ohgod, it's cold, time for me to complain and troll on CoTH!"

I think what you guys need to do, and I'm going to try say this nicely as a lot of you seem to be on this "CHANGE" trip, but actually take a look at what you are doing. Does making a topic like this or saying how wronged you were help? Hell no. Take a lesson from the people who actually have accomplished change here. What have they done? They've walked the walk. They've either left, or have tried to implement things to make the place better.

No matter how much you yell at a fish to be something other than a fish, it won't change until you decide to make it into stir-fry.
See, I just point my fingers at everyone.

Players are corrupt.

GMs are corrupt.

Everyone's corrupt.

Except me, of course. That would be crazy.

On a completely different note, I'll make mention of the assumption that a few of us have attempted to change. I don't know about others, but I at least like to imagine I've changed how critical I used to be. *Points to my previous atrocious actions during the letter thread*.

Regardless, I think this could all essentially be solved by taking the time to -talk- with people. See their point of view. Work things out together. Don't be so inclined to say 'NO', be inclined to say 'let's talk about it'.

There's no way I can force others to change. There's nothing I can implement to make everyone happy. Continuing from that, there's nothing anyone can really implement or do to make everyone happy. All we (IE: I) can ask for is that we all take the time to see from one another's point of view. If someone's absolutely wrong with the lore (IE: Orcs were always on Azeroth), then tell them! But if this is something 'ambiguous', not solidified in the lore, then talk about it! Be a little lenient! Who's it going to hurt, really?

Also, Dies. I'm not just a fish.

I'm a gay fish
[Image: kanye-gay-fish-600x398.jpg]
...reminds me of a while back. I myself made a similar, but more aggressive, post to this one.

Different tack this time.

You naysayers and what have you, why don't you guys step up, with me, and sort this out. I'll be trying for an event in a few hours time. Trust RP.

Let's just do this, it'll work.

I had a few friends in Florida saying that they hadn't had any snow at all. In fact while I was freezing off my toes, my buddy was enjoying 70 degree weather.

I don't think winter really explains what's going on here.
Far as winter goes, AM180 wasn't blaming the cold. We're not talking about seasonal affective disorder here. It just so happened, as far as he saw, alot of crap happened in the same few months. These same few months happened to be winter for him.

I didn't think it was that easy to misunderstand.
DiesUltime Wrote:So there, there again that's just pointing the finger at the GMs, it seems. On the contrast side, I see GMs point their fingers at players.

I'm not trying to blame the GM team. I'm saying that we are all being closed-minded. It's translated into a generally unspoken policy. If dealing with someone's not-entirely-lore-adherant idea, or even just an idea that's entirely possible, but that one has not heard of before, by shooting it down is our unspoken policy as players (and in some cases, the GMs, too), then we need to seriously reconsider how we act on things.

Oh, and Wuvvums: I live in Florida, as well. I've been enjoying beautiful weather, and I'm still feeling the tension and dissention that others seem to be feeling. I don't think it has to do with weather at all, but with our natural adversion as human beings to change what we percieve as reality.
Alright, I'm going to keep this post somewhat short because I can only go so far without getting to the point of hurt feelings.

First of all, for all of those that are calling for an instant change in the server where everything is just hunky-dory, sadly I'm going to have to ask you to wait. As the old saying goes, Rome was not built in a day and CotH is no different. The best suggestion I have is to be the change you want to see. Granted it sounds cheesy but it's damn true. If you want the RP to move, do some travel RP with some friends, don't just mope around on GMI all day having –no- RP.

Next on the hit parade, please for the love of the indiscriminate flying spaghetti monster in the sky stop pointing fingers at each other, the GM team, and Xigo (Yes he is a noob, but we all are one time or another). I suggest we all start working together on the goals we want for the server, whiter it be social reform or you just want to see the RP shift to a new spot.

For those that believe that the GM team is at a major fault somewhere along the line. I strongly encourage you PM me with whatever issue you may have with me, or others of the team and I will give you my personal guarantee that I will see it fixed.
Thank you GM whose name is so sickeningly elfish I refuse to repeat it! That is what I've been trying to say right in this here thread the whole time. :p
Krilari is about 100% right if not a full overhaul on it. Players need to go out and do what they want, go to Kalimdor or Northrend or Outland or Khaz Modan or somewhere. Do an event, let a GM in on it and if they have a question give them an answer to the fullest of your ability. If a GM thinks something is wrong, or a player for that matter, fill them in with some info before you spit acid on them or they breath fire on you.

S'all common courtesy and the lack of it makes me sickened. I am sure everyone would feel a thousand times better if we had some RP that was new and different and not completely full of un-needed criticsm or harsh words. Can't we all get along?
I love you, Krilari.
... Prancingstar Nightfairy. <3

Honestly, you speak the truth, my brother with the funny name. Although I still think that we need to be less critical of each other's ideas. Not saying I'm not guilty of this, too, because I am. But I can't help but want for us to try to understand an idea before we blow it to smithereens.
I agree with people being less critical. That's a really big turn off when coming to a server, is to see people trying to one-up eachother with how "accurate" or however they want other people's characters to be.
Brutal is right. I see something similar happen way too often, what have happened to me is that people don't believe that I ex. keep track of HP, and when I announce the HP of everyone in an event, they QQ about how they didn't lose 3 HP, but only 2, etc. etc.

It's really disrespect. Making an event is tough as shizzle, and keeping track of everything is also tough as whizzle - if your DM makes a few mistakes, deal with it. Complaining will not make him change his mind, and it will only lead to drama and chaos. It frustrates everybody, and what does it matter? You could whisper your DM about it, but don't QQ in /p or /raid. In the event that it happened for me, the complainers character was actually a dummy character - it was supposed to die. It's not like it was his favorite character, it was -just- made a moment before the event.
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