Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Elithiena`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I tend to lean more towards the timid, thinking type. (Think: Athena-type Strategist) I am a total Greek mythology nerd. I love going and spinning and running and jumping in circles, because I am an oddball, outside. I am 14 years of age and counting. I can't wait to meet you guys at Conquest of the Horde!!

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I come from California, USA, baby! With the California girls and all! My primary language is English, but I am learning ASL(American Sign Language) and plan to take courses in French.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Oh gosh, that long ago? It was.... my daddy. We played Star Wars Galaxies for a long time, then he started playing World of Warcraft with my cousin, and I went on and messed around a bit, and I finally got my own account.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I found you guys through stalking. No, no, in all seriousness(Is that a word? Dictionary?) I found you guys out by a Warcraft 3 Friend of mine repeatedly poking me to try you guys out, and long, begging, hours of asking my dad to be able to play.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I love being in groups of people, exploring, doing random things that our characters may or may not actually do. I just find tavern role play a bit.... odd and annoying, honestly. Not bashing it, but.... it's just... odd.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I love GNOMES! Their lore, their smallness, cuteness, and everything about them! They're perfect! My favorite class would have to be Death Knight for Out of Character reasons with their play style and all. Rogues for In Character, because I love the sneaky-sneaky, assassin, swashbuckler, whatever the heck you want it to be-ness of rogues!

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect a decently mature, fun, awesome, server. But it also can get serious at times, having people role playing... who knows where! Tons of fun, active people!

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
As Grakor puts it:
"We don't need characters from other dimensions, worlds, etc. or characters that are out of place and make no sense with the current, established lore. Warcraft lore is already fairly diverse, so I don't see why players would need to branch out of the many possibilities it offers." Furthermore, do not make a character that is "more powerful than everyone else." It definitely won't fly, and if it were allowed, everyone would likely have their characters be "all-powerful." This includes claiming titles for your character that you have not earned through roleplay on this server. As one example, do not make a character claiming to be the leader or high-ranking officer of an established organization. It won't fly. Furthermore, don't make a character with relations to any key lore figures. A good character doesn't need to rely on the importance/fame of established figures.
To be exact.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

Liam stared blankly at the full moon. His white cloth button up shirt, blue linen pants, and dirty blonde hair shined in the moonlight. His silvery grey eyes glistened. He grabbed hold of the balcony ledge so hard, his knuckles turned white. The clouds started to slowly cover the moon like a mother wrapping her child in a blanket. Droplets from the silvery grey clouds pattered on the roof, down Liam's pale white face, and on the balcony. He murmured one word softly, "Time", he turned his back to the moon and glared towards his messed up blue satin bed. Ever since the winter of The Ka'like(Cuh-like) Era, which ended a few years back, he and his younger sister had been doing this every night, now. This referring to the change that Liam is about to experience. A change from a young man, to a grizzled wolf-like mutant, super human able to stand, and keep balance on his hind legs. Now, it was their last day of their lycanthropic change, the curse that they bore which turned them into the super human wolf.

Finally, no more having to not go anywhere after 8:00 at night, they can finally see the city of Ma'syn(maw sin) at night that their parents used to always say was the most beautiful thing in the world. He sunk down to a crawling position and breathed heavily, and shakily. His muscles tensed and his back arched to an uncomfortable position, his face stretched out and shaped into a more muzzle-like form. With his grey eyes turning into huge, lava-orange globes, his pupils morphing into thick black lines going vertical down the centre of his eyes.

His hands and nails turning into paws, hair as tough as needles shot through his shirt, ripping it apart, all along his body, hair shout out, ripping his clothing apart, his feet changed into paws, and finally, a large, gray, wolf-like super human stood on all fours, he turned back to the balcony, set his forepaws on the balcony ledge, his hind legs keeping him steady, he howled at the moon, he panted, then, slowly, the lycanthropy reversed. Liam huffed a sigh of relief as he went for something to change into.

Kayla laid curled up on her pink satin bed covers, her purple silken night gown, golden blonde hair, and silvery grey eyes shimmered in the light of the moon and stars. She began to pout and her transformation began. Her face turned a more puppy-dog, with a mix of a wolf-like face. Her face stretching out into a muzzle, and her eyes turning into forest green globes, with thick black lines going vertically down the centre of her yes. Golden hair as thick as needles shot through her clothing, like her brother's, they tore up her night wear. She dropped to all fours, ran out onto the balcony and she howled at the moon.

"There's my little pup," said a familiar voice from behind her, it chuckled coldly.

Kayla jumped, and the lycanthropy reversed quickly, she turned and glared at her brother, Liam as she reached for a pink robe, "Shut up, just because you're older--!" and she left it at that, not wanting to start something with her brother, who now donned a blue robe.
They then went back into their separate rooms and went to sleep. The next morning, Kayla raced down their oak staircase in a forest green summer dress, with white gloves, and black dress shoes to match, and she held a parasol in her left hand. Everyday, Kayla raced to beat their mailman to the Naofa Estate. The dark forest green walls of the house were decorated with beautiful pictures of wolves, and a few pictures of Kayla, Liam, and their parents dotted the walls here and there. On the left side of the door, was their old fashioned colonial styled living room, and on the right, their formal dining room, decorated with pictures, plants, and the golden table in the centre, two oak chairs on either side of the golden, shining, table.

The Naofa(Nay o fuh) family had been there since Kayla and Liam's parents were very young, they had seen three different postmen. The first two fled because they found out about the lycanthropy and ran away shrieking about wolf-men. First, they fled the block, then the area, then the town, and finally the whole of Myrasj(mi- rahzh). The latest postman was Tim McAllen. He was in his early twenties, and decently slim. He was clean shaven, and had messed up, sandy colored hair, he also had an eye on Kayla's heart. His skin had a hint of a tan, and he usually donned light colored leather along with his messenger bag, stocked full of envelopes and parcels.

Just after Kayla got to the door, her golden hair, recently curled and glistening, bounced on her shoulders as she opened the door a split second after he knocked. Tim laughed at her and smiled warmly, "Nice to see you, too, Kayla M'ree!"

Marie was Kayla's middle name, she didn't really appreciate him calling her something only her papa called her, but she didn't mind very much, the petite little sixteen year old was crushing on Tim, anyways.

"Well, Miss Naofa, we've got a letter addressed to a Monsieur Liam McKenzie Naofa V, and Madame Kayla Marie Naofa II, wonder who those blokes are, eh?"

"Oh, hush up, Tim, people are allowed to address me and my brother with fancy titles", teased Kayla, with playfulness shining in her eyes.

Tim handed her the letter, and let himself out, closing the door carefully. The letter was a caramel color, seemed to be slightly burnt on the edges around the rectangular shape, and bore a blood red wax seal in the shape of a very intricately drawn sun.

Kayla hollered up the stairs, "Li-Li, mail for a Monsieur Liam Naofa and Madame Kayla Naofa!"

Liam called back down to her, "Let me get dressed, I'll be right down, and what did I tell you about calling me Li-Li!"

Kayla chuckled, Liam hated being called Li-Li, she only called him that because it made him angry. She sat the envelope on the table and picked up the book she was reading from the arm rest of the forest green sofa, Seduction Technique, a book starring a Yevgeniya Andorran and Valoak Andorran, a succubus, and an incubus. She pulled out the piece of pearly white fabric from her mother's wedding gown that she used as a bookmark at her page, and began to read.

About fifteen to twenty minutes later, Liam strutted downstairs wearing a navy blue military uniform that was a size too big, but wasn't too noticeable.

"Alright, what's this about a Monsieur and a Madame?", inquired Liam.

"Huh? What? Sorry, climax happening.", Kayla slid her bookmark back in and set her book down, "Oh, yeah, someone sent us mail. but look at this odd seal, it's a, interesting sun.", Kayla tossed the letter towards Liam.

He picked up the envelope with care and examined the seal, "Oh, an easy one. It's the Royal Seal of the Sundancers," but Liam studied the seal again and his face went pale, "but what would anyone want with us of all people!"

"Not a clue, Li, but, I say we open it and see what they want.", Kayla picked up a letter opener from the end table and motioned for him to give her the letter, she carefully cut open the envelope, cutting the sun in half caused the sun to shrivel into ink droplets. She pulled out a golden tinted paper and look at it and read:

Dear Naofas
Thy have been tasked by le Royale Council of Sun to go on a mission of great importance to the Land of Le Ever Light and speak to a Sundanced Informative at the border between the Realm of K and the Land of Le Ever Light for your next step. If le task given by the Informative is completed, thy is asked to please return to thee at Le Château of Ever Sunlight for a reward worth thy while.
Grand Dukes, Duchesses, Ambassadors, and Diplomats of SDRC

"Le Royale Council, you simply cannot deny a task from them, they can get you killed with the snap of the fingers. They're immortals, a mix of broken valkyrie, empousa, necromancers, shape shifters, and other not-too-well-known-and-liked creatures that can kill you in the blink of an eye.", defined Liam.

"Lovely, evil nasties that can eat our brains if we don't do what they want.", Kayla said, while rolling her eyes. She opened her book again and began reading.
"Well, we kind of have to do what they want, so, I say we go out into the town and buy some supplies, get some money, and head out on their mission.", announced Liam in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Alright, alright, let me finish this chapter, and I'll go get some supplies after you go to the bank and get me some money to spend, now, go get me some gold, shoo!" Kayla said, shooing her brother away with her hand halfheartedly. He laughed at her and then headed out to the 1st Bank of Nevaeh(nuh vay uh) Minor.

Liam got back fifteen or so minutes later, and Kayla had finished the next five chapters in her book, "Oh, there you are," murmured Kayla, "I was getting worried."

"Yeah right," stated Liam sarcastically, he tossed a decently bulky and large sack of gold on the table, "It's about five hundred pieces, go spend to your heart's content."

"Alright, hold on." said Kayla putting her bookmark in. She headed out the door on her way to town to shop.

She came back half an hour later with two huge traveler's backpacks filled with rations, maps, traveler's logs, and other traveling necessities, "Here!" huffed Kayla, plopping the backpacks on the coffee table, she tossed a thick leather bear-hide suit to Liam, and a claymore with a sheathe onto the table also. The warm smells of chicken, potatoes, and vegetables filled her mouth as she breathed, her mouth watered.
Liam hadn't noticed before, but now, Kayla was fashioning a leather outfit that showed off her hourglass body shape, on her shoulder was a dark oak bow, and strapped onto the other shoulder was a quiver with runed mithril head arrows, which were as strong as steel, but light, due to the mithril, and the runes on the heads allowed arrow shots to mess with magical users abilities, disallowing them to cast any sort of spell, as the "poison" from the runes were in their body, which would last like that for about a day, at the least. On her hips, were small sheaths, which held hunting knives, and she carried a small leather bag on her hip, which Liam assumed was filled with potions, bandages, and poison.

"Well, Li-Li, are you gonna get ready, or wait for the valkyrie to come and say, "Hey you, time for death!"?" teased Kayla.

"Uh, err, yeah, right." Liam rushed upstairs to with his claymore in one hand, and the leather armor slung over his other arm.

Kayla sighed, "Ugh, men." she sat down on the couch, crossed her legs and began to read her book.

Ten to fifteen minutes later, Liam came down in full leather armor, and the claymore sheathed on his back. "Great, you're in full leather, here, catch this." congratulated Kayla sarcastically, as she tossed him a black traveling cloak, and then began to put her dark purple cloak on.
"Ready Kay-Kay?" asked Liam, Kayla replied with a playful punch on the shoulder, and a confident walk to the door. She held the door open for him, and they both went to grab their brown stallions and head out.

At about 5:30 at night, Kayla and Liam were halfway through Nevaeh, but someone, multiple someones, were watching them...

(Apologies if it ends up being a wall of text.)

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
I am patched all the way up to 4.0.6, is there any possible way to still be able to play on the server, while being in Cataclysm and at 4.0.6? if so, please respond! If not, well, I guess I'm stuck until server update.
Hello Elithiena! I'm Loxmardin and it's my pleasure to welcome you to Conquest of the Horde!

The only way I know of is to create a downpatched duplicate of your WoW folder. Essentially, re-installing it and not patching all the way up while hiding your retail folder away to keep it from being downpatched or otherwise affected. If you're wondering how this is to be done, you could look around the forums or ask for people to help you do it, since I know that many have done the same thing. However, I do think the only solution is to have two separate WoW folders. And unfortunately, it doesn't look like we will be able to update to a newer patch anytime soon.

If you haven't already, I'd suggest that you double-check the rules and policies of the server on our very own CotH Wiki. If you have any questions, you should consult the Wiki and the available subforums which contain a fair bit of information ("Forum: Search" is your friend!) first but you are of course always welcome to contact a GM if you can't find what you're looking for, or ask on the forums!

Have fun, enjoy your stay and see you in-game!

Happy RPing!
