Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Finally. A chance for Night elven RP!
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So, having been found about a month ago by Tom, I've seen that there has not been a request put here for a new RP spot. Or, at least none that I have seen. I could have just been totally nub and not seen it. Either way, I'm going to post this here in hopes that this place may be converted into a new Kal'dorei RP spot. Though, I'm sure anyone else would be welcome to RP there as well, even horde. It could be a neutral territory. But it certainly looks Darnassian.

This is a cool little place that Tom, the priest, found while he was herp derping about. I'm not sure if anyone can get there without the little levitate buff, so I'd be happy to show a GM where this place is if they can't find it themselves.

It's not very large, but I believe that with a little work, it can been turned into a nice little hub. Possibly some tables, a few NPCs, maybe a house or two. And a portal to get there, of course.

[Image: 2nut11e.jpg]
[Image: 2wpi2r5.jpg]

Yes? No?
Just as a random thought, I remember seeing this same place being used as a sort of GMI on another server. Just felt like pointing that out. But, back on topic, this would be a very nice place for RP!
Dalar might go there.

... So, I support.

Do it!
Well, the problem with that (prepare for my nitpicking) is that the vegetation in that area is not in any Night Elf controlled land. Also, that is the place where the High Elves originally stopped after the War of the Ancients, yet were chased away by whispers that drove some crazy.
As Tom, I approve this message! It's high/blood elven ruins though. And I would still like to RP there, just RP effects accordingly if it's such an evil place. Or it could be said to be somewhere else ICly.