Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The House of Thorns [[WIP]]
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"But to be perfectly frank, I do not give a damn what the Kirin Tor think!" - Kel'Thuzad

What we are about?

The House of Thorns doesn't have a particular goal, but rather divides it's time for Haim's personal gains. To give strength to the weak, to give the ones who were dug down so deep into the dirt that they could barely see the light of day. For those that were stepped on and thought nothing of, it would be their chance to make a name for themselves. In short the House is a personal Army, for mercenaries and villains alike. However, the House's most important gain is to rid of the Monstrosities that poke their heads out of the deep. What you would call "Fel sworn". That and fly around in a Zeppelin across Azeroth.

But that is just the boring part really, the House' other goal is to rally priests that use the uncanny abilities of "Shadow". Deep within the bowls of the House will reside some of the most deep and disturbed men and women creeping their way out of the underbelly of society and screaming their names from the top of mountains!


There are two strains of Ranks.

Arms ------- Twisted

--- The rest will be done, when I get the chance.