Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Tor Ilisar'thera'nal!
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EDIT: Event has been changed to Sunday!
What? Noooo, that's my wedding date. >:\
Blame Psychyn and Scout /nod.
First event was an utter failure, so I'm putting in some new stuff.

1) If you miss (consecutively) either three events, or do not log on for 14 days, you will be kicked from the guild ICly and OOCly, both for inactivity.
2) When we get within three days of the event, the date is final. No matter what, it stays.

I may edit in more.
3) Put events on dates that don't have other events going on. /cough cough


Even though Dalar is in Elune's Grace, I'll try to hook up with you guys when you have an event, if it's acceptable.
Yup! Every Alliance Member is allowed to attend.
Bump! First event today!

If you are one of these characters,

Then you're welcome to show up. If you're another Alliance who wants to come, than come. If you're a Horde who wants to come, then come, but be ready to be group-killed.
Alright. Last three event attempts have been failures, with 1 showing up the first time, 3 the second and 1 the third. I'm going to attempt one more time, next Sunday, 2 PM, before deciding the interest is low and hold off the event until later.
Reminder, event is this Sunday!
My Kaldorei Hunter Kyrie would love to join. <3
The overall series has kaplooped, due to persistent lack of interest.
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