Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Off to find the hero of the day...
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Let me tell you a little story. A story about a man with a dream and two spare meatballs in his shirt pocket.

... I have no idea where that was going, but now that it's out of the way let me tell you a better, more interesting story. There was once a Serpah who had gone back onto CotH. He tried to find some roleplay, but had a more difficult time of it than he remembered. He figured, "Meh, no worries. I'll just go back to other things," and then he went and made some meatballs andGUYSIJUSTFIGUREDITOUT

So there are literally oodles ( @"puncturedwords" ) and also spaghootles ( @"Felitsa" ) of people at my apartment who are logging into CotH all the time. I started waggling my old man cane at them and talking about back in my day when you couldn't go two feet without tripping over a character profile for some kind of demonic blood-drinking anarchist, and now I'm nostalgic. Le sigh.

I still have less time on my hands than a teflon marmoset with the shakes (working full time, writing a sequel to that novel I guess I published), but I'm here. Again. I want to give things a go and maybe have like two dedicated characters this time. Maybe start a guild, buy a used Chrysler LeBaron. Drive around GM Island with the top down and the speakers blaring at 2 in the morning like some kind of sadistic wake-up call for Kret and Grak.

... Oh, and did you guys notice the server is running Cata now? That's pretty sweet. Now we can all have top hats and all of my characters can be EVEN MORE ANGRY.

See you on there maybe!
[Image: 9d7eabe4941552656c8db66fe121a165.jpg]

Hit me up if we're in-game at the same time. You know I'm always willing and able for RP shenanigans. If not, PM me!
...Old people...I like old people. They're funny. Hai.
AGH CORZILLA warn a guy when you're posting cats that adorable, you almost gave me a feelzure. Seilsu- A Fee... I almost died!

But yes, don't worry, you're already an integral part of the guild that I'm making. So I expect you to be at the meetings and bring snacks. Like shrimp dip or jello that's been vacuum-molded into the shape of a jackal.

Hai Wind. I'll regale you sometime with stories of how World of Warcraft started as a 2D platformer with only three races: Lost Vikings, the Zerg, and Horadric Cubes. The cubes were the best race because they were completely unbalanced after patch and destroyed everyone in PVP. Like less aerodynamic Daleks.
This marks the... what, third time I've seen you come back to CotH? Every time I swear for RP, and this time I'll damn sure get it!
hai seraph


if you leave again i'll slap you

Hai Loxxy! I think if I leave again the whole server will probably line up to join you like that scene in Airplane. And then I would probably die from internal hemorrhaging. c:

Rob! PM me a single line about one of your characters. If it's in haiku format you can use three lines. I will PM you back a with a time and a place. We will make this happen.
Can it be a PM with a single line for several characters? I have a lot :V
Yyyyyyyyyes. Yes that's fine, but throw in a henna or something between characters so I know what the heck is going on.

... On second thought, just do one line per character. I'll pick one by throwing darts at my computer screen!
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