Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: [GvE] It's Good to be the (evil) King
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The more the merrier :)
It sounds good, just now to figure out who or what I'll be roleplaying with.
Craer of the Eidolon sees much profit in this although he has a phobia of world domination plots. Nonetheless, he could, if necessary, probably subtly pull Coriv, Mistal and the likes, whichever organisations he has dealings with. into the conflict in full knowledge that conflicts tend to derive good business and profits. Being a pretty neutral party, he could also assist in augmenting the diplomatic integrity of the forces of evil and/or help in the coordination. He's just an unthreatening businessman, after all.
...What's it look like? >.>
"made of bright gold, lined on the inside of it with red velvet, the cap rose to a high point with ten other points spaced evenly around the rest of the crown. The center point had a blood-red ruby the size of a hen's egg, while each of the other ten points had a large ruby on it also."

Source: DLnexus
I do believe the Butcher will be throwing his hand into this mix.
Same with Mak'ti.
Zarquon Wrote:Craer of the Eidolon sees much profit in this although he has a phobia of world domination plots. Nonetheless, he could, if necessary, probably subtly pull Coriv, Mistal and the likes, whichever organisations he has dealings with. into the conflict in full knowledge that conflicts tend to derive good business and profits. Being a pretty neutral party, he could also assist in augmenting the diplomatic integrity of the forces of evil and/or help in the coordination. He's just an unthreatening businessman, after all.

I must say I like this idea.
And now that Zarquon has the actual plan to pull others into it as well, I believe Mistal gets to know about this sooner or later. ^^
OOOH OOOH OOOH OOH OOH OOOH OOOH *kicks mistal over* Choose me

I need to do something fun before I get bored and kill off Cole
World domination... Evil trying to take control? Tirius will be pleased, things have been getting dull lately.
Vezim is liek so totally doing this. Why? Because he's an Evi- DARK Draenei who wants to cleanse the realm of Azeroth from those petty light-givers. AND, he requires the necessary "power" and "might" to do so.

Craernub needs Ebil goats, right?
Hmm. . .an issue about this that I would like to raise, however; it doesn't seem to be something that allows for a collective force of Evil to bind and work together. In fact, it would probably do the exact opposite. Only one person can wear the crown, after all, and I am sure Aulten, Tavren, Aroes, Vezim, Alistus, Marianna and so on and so forth would all want it for themselves. Prediction? They all end up fighting between themselves for it, and again, Good probably don't need to lift a finger before they all kill themselves. . .It might be the same issue with the ziggurat, to be honest, a situation where only one out of all the Evil can command and hence all the evils want to command the power for themselves, stabbing each other in the back.
That's what makes it fun.
And repeats the exact same mistake which occurred earlier; its not Good VS Evil, its Evil VS Evil, and Evil ends up killing themselves while Good sits in the Dalaran Bar and chat about life, the universe and everything sipping Dalaran White.
Exactly, The IC story on the evil side is that Aroes has offered them a reward in return for their assistance. Later on hints will be dropped as to what the crown does and from there or from the very beginning you all can start plotting :)

EDIT: And the good guys have been alerted that Tavren is trying to recreate this artifact, so they will no doubt try and crush evil.
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