Conquest of the Horde

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I have a toon who's a member of the Royal Apothecary Society and an alchemist and both are obvious because he's dressed almost like Putress. Would the guards kill him in BB or horde cities?

I know they banned the use of the forsaken blight but as long as I'm not using it I''m safe :D ?
They probably wouldn't kill Putress in BB. As long as he doesn't hurt anyone, they're fine with him. But as long as he doesn't toss plague around, it's all good.
Yeah In bb as long a you pay and don't do something wrong in there you should be safe...

How about the other horde cities?
They'd only be wary, until you start throwing plague around. Unless you have the tank and all that jazz. Then even Forsaken would be semi-wary.
Kk thanks.