Conquest of the Horde

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Ladies and Mentlegen,

It has come to my attention, at long last, that this is in fact a RP server. Now, some of you may know of me and my characters, but alas! You have picked up on the fact that you never, not once, have seen me outside of GMI. This is understandable, as I have in fact spent a good deal of my time romping around in my own silly OOC shenanigans. This does, however, need to be rectified. And you're just the server to do rectification!

So! I shall reintroduce myself to you.

Hello, friends! My name is Reese, and I'd like to RP with YOU

Richtnel Bloodwing!: The mastermind behind mastermindical deeds, this insane surgeon is positively convinced that he is of noble birth and that his actions are for the greater good of SCIENCE. And what, Dear Ladies and Mentlegen, is more dangerous than a man with a motive?
Safksha Shadowedge!: Overprotective, moody, and growing more rageface by the minute, this delicious kitten/not-so-delicious elf would like to ominously loom behind YOU! After all, what's better to put your word across? Persuasion? Or FISTS?!
Jezzan the Repairman!: Life's all about enjoying the little things. Jezzan's so simple, he enjoys the microscopic! Loyal, foolhardy, as suave with words as a murloc would be, this lovable troll will heal your wounds for free, then give you shock therapy! See me bustin' out these phat rhymes? I thought you did.
Pops!: You just gotta have this grumpy old fart! He'll set your imagination and some of your clothes alight with his gorgeous fireworks, but then he might tell you to get off his lawn. So play nice kids!
Gregg Anders!: Ladies, you'll just love this testosterone packing redhead! He'll out-drink even a Tauren before going down, and still be ready to fight the undying horrors of the Scourge! Sign him up, you don't even have to tell him what you're about!
Broxxaragg Redeye: Though unprofiled, his puny level 63 is nothing to worry about! Proud, impulsive, borderline suicidal, he'll throw himself at his enemies and hack at them until they're paste, then keep hacking because they didn't have the cahones to give him his final rest. The nerve of some people!
Mak'ti and Richtnel could create a C.C.O.F (Catacombs Coalition of Old Farts).
Mmh... I could have use of Safksha. Vaethor needs more Durids!
He's raging around in Ashenvale, currently, and i'm on him a lot.

Le shrug.
I would RP with any of your characters, I'm on Alistus whenever I'm online nowadays.

And how did you get that dreadful font? It's pretty cool!
Nostra Wrote:And how did you get that dreadful font? It's pretty cool!

I typed [font][/font] LIKE A BOSS.

Not kidding, just threw in random fonts that I knew and used 'em.
And In The Good Book 'Twas Said a Space Goat Would Come...

That's right, Ladies and Mentlegen! Here comes a New Challenger! It's Eskos! He is proud, he is xenophobic, he speaks no words in the Common Tongue! You'll absolutely love his preaching about controlling one's self, and his refusal to turn to the ways of darkness. You'll enjoy hearing his stories, knowing that he is worthy of the title Ashjrakamas (Storyteller). You'll love his sense of honor, and he'll scold you to no end. Come on by, and RP with him TODAY!

... Please?
Draenei don't have last names. The one in your signature does.
Hmmm, I've asked multiple times and I shall ask -again-!

Keak and Gregg -need- to meet eachother! Two Drunkadins! How could it go wrong!?

Edit: That is -not- a name, Squirrel. It's a title. Meaning Storyteller if I believe.
There. It's in quotes now. HAPPY?
Hey richt!

Lol, dreadful font, aside of that... We have had some RP before Mistal became a Fel-sworn and all.
If you ever want to RP just let me know. I have most of the days that I am online and on GMI time to RP with anyone, so yeah. Let me know ^^