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Tauren are really the only ones who use the weapon. As for warglaives, the only way a non-Kaldorei would know about them is if they were a Demon Hunter, Blood Elf, or Alliance member who had spent quite a long time in Kaldorei lands. While they are common in Night Elf society, thet are rather rare outside, as the Elves would likely protect the secrets of one of their most deadly weapon. Then, consider a Non-Elf/DH getting them. How? Would they make them? If so, how would they learn to make them, where would they get the patterns, etc.? If they buy them, how did the person selling them get a hold of them? Again, they aren't common outside of Night Elf lands.
If I may make a suggestion. . .

With the holsterable guns which have been made available in recent times, a majority of the more 'special' ones were given the level restriction of 80. I believe that it would be wise if this was carried over to this vendor too. For an example, while there might be some custom weapons which seem a bit 'plain' such as a few small glaives, a few swords not found normally, etc. and there would also be more flashy ones too like some of the larger glaives and the more detailed blades. These more detailed ones would benefit from being harder to gain, hence, the level 80 restriction.
Holsterable guns? Hmm, I did not know that.
While yes, the elves can certainly keep some techniques using glaives secret, someone who is skilled in armed combat of any kind could, with some practice, over the course of a few weeks, learn to use this proficiently. Not perfectly, by any means, but just because the weapon is rare and unusual, doesn't mean someone strong couldn't pick it up and spend a bit of time figuring it out. They wont ever beat a night elven glaive-master, but they could probably wield it, if they looted it. I wouldn't be surprised if, say, Orcish looters in night-elf lands stole a few, appreciated the good craftsmanship over their own poorly crafted weapon, and took it up as an alternative.

Even if they were not good with technique, an orc simply waving this about could still be considered a pretty formidable force, even if they had no training with it. Its only a glorified, double ended sword. *waits for scores of retorts on how it is more than just a double ended sword.*
Eh. Sure, they're more than just glorified double-bladed weapons. But that's beside the point. They may learn to use them, but I doubt the, quite frankly, beautiful aspect of the movements would dawn on them. By that, I mean a human would likely just be swinging them like swords, when the style is much more fluid and beautiful than that. Coming from someone who has used them before IRL, it's no easy task to learn the (literally) rolling style that comes with them. Literally, one looks like a top spinning sideways. Anyway, off-topic. The point is, they could use them, yes, but likely not to their full potential, without proper training.
Well, it can be a three ended sword >.>

Other than that, it makes sense. Besides, who can't say that their isn't a Night Elf that would give in to money, selling the blades to others, and maybe even teaching others how to do so for money as well. Everyone likes money and there's bound to be a NElf smith of these weapons that will give in to the greedy world of moneycraft. And then the same could happen to those who could also use the weapons, teaching others, for money. With money, nothing is impossible, both in RL and WoW.
muhaha8 Wrote:Tauren are really the only ones who use the weapon. As for warglaives, the only way a non-Kaldorei would know about them is if they were a Demon Hunter, Blood Elf, or Alliance member who had spent quite a long time in Kaldorei lands. While they are common in Night Elf society, thet are rather rare outside, as the Elves would likely protect the secrets of one of their most deadly weapon. Then, consider a Non-Elf/DH getting them. How? Would they make them? If so, how would they learn to make them, where would they get the patterns, etc.? If they buy them, how did the person selling them get a hold of them? Again, they aren't common outside of Night Elf lands.

I have never seen any referance in lore that said Moonglaives are secret/not known about. With practically every race on Azeroth familiar with Night Elven warfare, I think it's common knowledge that Night Elves use glaives.

By the way, this is a pretty cool category:
The only weapons that I know of that are at all secret are those of Death Knights and their Runeblades, and that of Wildhammers and their Stormhammers.
Quote:By the way, this is a pretty cool category:

Alright, after seeing that page I'm rolling a war hardened engineer with several awesome weapons..

Flamethrowers, miniguns.. WoW has them all.
Psychyn Wrote:
Quote:By the way, this is a pretty cool category:

Alright, after seeing that page I'm rolling a war hardened engineer with several awesome weapons..

Flamethrowers, miniguns.. WoW has them all.

I saw a Rod of Necromancy.


i, for one, don't mind that they wouldn't be easy to use. Im not out to rack up the most kills, im out for good rp :)
Just as another thought. When I mentioned that all Shaman use Totems, I was speaking of taking the model of one of the summonable totems, and putting said model on a mace weapon, so it looks like we actually have the totems.
Sorry if you thought I was speaking of the huge one the Tauren carry around, -that- would need Race-specification.
Wel on the topic of Tauren totems, is this going to come out in the vendors? I plan to make a character with said weapon and I would love to be able to have him carry it around, and yes, it is a Tauren.
Seeing as I am new and made a stupid redundant topic that should be ignored now, I was directed to here. Here is what I know personally...

Moonglaive: You all know what it looks like already, they were used by Huntresses in Warcraft 3, and by many Night Elf NPCs in WoW. Considering Huntresses were a standard generic unit, and looking at the sheer amount of WoW NPCs that use them, I would say it's safe to say they are by no means rare or unique, just another average weapon.

Night Elves are the only races that use them as far as I know, but considering it's just a piece of metal like most other melee weapons, I don't see how it would be some kind of super secret weapon that only Night Elves could possibly use. I think the stance of it being an exotic weapon that only Night Elves train in is the most concrete info against it. This is not the weapon Wardens use (I saw a comment about this), although I am sure they are capable of using it.

There are dozens of models for these in the game.

Warglaive: Another famous one. This one is the weapon the Demon Hunters always used, thus it has become a popular weapon since the Demon Hunter was a popular unit in Warcraft 3. These are actually more scarce then Moonglaives seeing they are not "Standard issue" for Night Elf units. However, like the Moonglaives, these are just another piece of metal and thus could be usable by any race, you can theorize, that they may have something more to them and that they require special crafting (Due to their rarity) or such and that only Elves know of said crafting technique, but that's stretching it.

Although since any race is capable of using the Warglaives of Azzinoth in-game, but not every class, I think it proves all it takes is the knowledge of the weapon to use them (Hence only those classes are proficient enough with weapons to handle them), and not some sort of racial power.

Totem: If we mean the Tauren totem, then it's pretty simple, it's a huge chunk of wood that is extremely heavy made to smash things. Only Tauren are capable of using it effectively due to their huge size and strength. You could theorize if you had an Orc (Or other race) the size of The Hulk that they could wield it, but that's pushing it... far.

On my other topic, I also mentioned flavor items, brooms, buckets, lanterns, etc.
"On my other topic, I also mentioned flavor items, brooms, buckets, lanterns, etc."

They already exist in one of the vendors on GMI.
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