Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Naima / Nymph / Persistant
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Race of character/NPC: Nymph

Name of character/NPC: Niama

Exact modelID requested: 24072

Duration that character will be used: Persistant

Purpose for the character/NPC: General Alliance RP, focusing around Night Elven locals. Her mission is preserving nature through indirect means.

Location the character/NPC will reside: She will likely wander from different large forests on Kalimdor. It would be unlike she would ever visit Eastern Kingdoms and would prefer to remain where she can do the most good.

Level requested (Must be a normal level; 1-80): 80

Any special equipment needed: Base call would be a Night Elf Druid, knowing their base language of Darnassian.
One thing. Nymphs are found in Northrend. I think you're thinking of their cousin, the Dryad.

See: Here for Nymphs. (Note how all are found in either Northrend, or a Titan area).

See: Here for Dryads. (Note how all, except one (which is in an area full of Treants and Satyrs), are in Kalimdor).
Actually, they can be found all over the world as is shown in Cata.

Blizzard has just been too lazy to impliment them. There are several nymphs in Ashenvale and Hyjal in the coming expansion. As you can see in the link, it says in Azeroth, not just Northrend.

You have to take into account the fact that the models might not appear in game where they should. Nymphs happen to be a prime example.

Edit: For the sake of appearances, including the link which shows a nymph in Stonetalon and Ashenvale.
Alright. But I'm curious. What model will you be using?

Alright. My bad.
Have all of the modelIDs changed with Cata? Because every time I search the ID on these profiles they are not what they appear to be. For instance, when I searched the ID 24072 on WoWhead, I got an error saying it wasn't in the database. Along with others, when I search some others they appear to be just random NPCs unrelated to whatever post they are part of.

Apologies for the problem dump. I do, however, think it applies here. If they haven't been changed upon Cata you may want to check again for the modelID. It appears none of the Nymphs listed on WoWhead have this ID, though that goes without saying as I got the error...

Scrap that. I just found out I was doing it wrong. What a nub. Sorry for taking up a space in your profile! :3
It's alright! ^__^ I'm glad you found the answer to your problem! :3
Archiving for now (player inactive).