Conquest of the Horde

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Makes sense, but that still holds my argument and that of others about popularity. LOL
Well, isn't that what thumbs up is still about anyways?
Popularity? No. The original intent was just to lift out "helpful" posts from the masses. Or, generally, posts that people appreciated for whatever reason.

And, I generally don't like the thought of a single post getting "-14" in "appreciation" for whatever reason.
It could be useful having a system like Wowhead's, but there is indeed a chance you'll have people downrating just 'cause.
I only implemented the current system because I thought it was rather nifty.

(Posted via my phone)
Quote:Well, isn't that what thumbs up is still about anyways?

Not from my point of view in all honesty, but perhaps for some it is, yes.

But even if it is, would it be truly terrible to solely hand out a ego boost every now and then? Heck, it's like a pat on the back. Some people appreciate it more then others, and that's the same with votes. Some vote because of legit reasons, I vote for many things, some others might solely vote because it's a friend.

I rather still see that, then having people vote down for such reasons. As both up and down, will carry close to the same reasoning. Some will vote down for not liking the information, some will vote down for many things, and some will vote down for disliking the other.

Criticism is better handled by some, rather then most. I rather not have the button turn into a way to show a dislike to players, as in it's current state, it is solely a like. There's no harm in showing you like a player, but I do believe there's harm in showing a dislike to a player if it's done in a matter such as with the easy press of a button.

@ Loxmardin, I totally agree that posts should not dive into negatives, but I still stand to the above. I did not intend to say that the button was to show popularity, but it is done nonetheless. Perhaps on small scale, but big enough to turn the thumb's down button really in a bad position.

Edit, Loxy's comment was.. after re-reading aimed at Dies I believe!
I'm sure it's been said before and better in one of the previous pages, but I disagree on the basis that if you strongly don't approve of someone's post that much, I personally believe you should dignify them with a written response outlining why if you must let them know at all.
I dislike the thumbs up as they are so in my opinion a thumbs down option would only make matters worse. A system like wowhead has would be nice but I'm positive people will just thumbs up/down just because they can.
Iunno, I always thought of the 'Like' button as being an 'I agree with X statement'. Kinda a shorthand for showing how many people think this opinion is correct without having to post in the thread and repeat information or arguments already put forth. On that note, then, I don't see why an opposite viewpoint could just be liked- It's practically the same thing, saying that you disagree with the original post through what another person has said. Or, if an opposing opinion hasn't been put forth, then make a post to explain why you disagree!

Then again I never really completely understood why we had the button put in in the first place, so meh. As Kret said I think it is just a novelty thing, and thus not really putting much worry into.
If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut. As momma use to say.

I think this applies! If you liked it, thumbs up, if not. Don't put people down.
Loxmardin Wrote:The only way I could see a "thumbs down" feature implemented, and working, is if it could simply remove the "thumbs up" to a minimum of "0" for a normal post. Since going into the negatives would just look plain wrong.

... Does that thought make sense at all? Yes? No?

It makes -perfect- sense, and says what I've been ineptly trying to convey. Ups make the number value positive, downs make the positive subtract, but never below zero. There would be -no- names associated with either the positives or negatives.
Spiralin Wrote:If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut. As momma use to say.

I think this applies! If you liked it, thumbs up, if not. Don't put people down.

^ True words, as it all comes down to that. You don't have to respond to the threads if there are things you disagree on, or flat out don't like. Why voice the opinion either by the press of a button, or by posting. Just.. browse on, check other posts you do like.

I fail to see the use of removing people their "I like" statements because you simply dislike it. Even if it is not visible to the thread owner. You can't force people to use that system because you feel it should be used that way. It seems a lot of CotH'ers including me feel different about it.

( I'm not telling you to stop defending the idea, as I'm sure GMs and Kretol are considering it but eh.. I'm leaving the discussion at this point before discovering something worth responding to again. I gave my opinion, and don't got anything else to say. ^.~ I think it's a bad idea for reasons I've posted before. )
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