Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A very rageful, rage post.
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Honestly, I'm somewhat pissed of that I continually have to ask for some sort of rp, and am still stuck having none. Others tell me to go to Booty Bay, and I'm sure people here will say the same, but I don't want some tavern rp thats so farefeched, it's infureating. I want conflict, I want story line, and honestly, I'm not getting any. I came here Because of the fact that it sticks to lore, which means I'm not going to walk into an inn and find -everyone- getting the f*** along, I would find some people getting along, but people such as Night Elves and Blood Elves not bloody talking about how each others days where, especially if thier druids, come on, a night elf druid sipping tea with a Blood knight? Tis bull s***. Honestly, this post is for me to express my anger with whats going on, I don't know what had happened, but what ever did, shouldn't have.

And it the rp facts weren't enough, I'm seeing more and more swaering going on, with out being bleeped out or anything. I thought one of the rules of the server was keeping the language pg-13 for the kids that are on this, cause their is kids on this. And to make matters worse, I see the bloody /1 chat being spammed, thats there for bloody fixing misspellins, if you want to talk about nothing of importances (Such as random conversations on how someone is like another IRL), take it to barrens.

And honestly, I could care less, or at least at the moment, if anyone desides to think I'm a jerk for simply voicing my opinions. I'm not a stickler to rules, and I'm fine if you want to hang with your friends in a tavern RP, but don't have it everysingle day! Especially with cross fractions.
For someone that says they love stories so much...why don't you go write and make some? Or must they be served to you?
Uncalled for and inappropriate, despite the small measure of truth to it. This is why Danal left, and I dun liek it. D:
You say PG-13...

Well, I'm 14. I know enough cuss words, I know what too many things mean and I've known most of this since I was 8. You can't shelter "us young ones" because we already know this. Well, I do. But PG-13 is overrated. As long as people don't cuss like rappers, I don't see a problem.

Seriously, I know what a Hymen is.

But I do agree with the racism. However, I was taught to, if I have a problem with someone, get in their face about it or keep it to yourself. (Which one do you think Danal uses? :P)
Aye I know, but the rule still exsist. And people ignore it, it's a simple one too.

And on the topics of my stories, their rather ignored. And this is rather the first time I have done something outragious, and I will admit that this is a horrid post, but theres truth to it. Sure I egzarurated a little, but not that much. But anyway, my stories seem to be unworthy of Coth, and I don't say that in a jerk way, but in a way that I understand, my stories are way out thier and rather pointless half the time, I plan on making a nother story soon.

Anyway, I feel better now, dam personal drama with my friends, and I am sorry for saying such things.
Hey, while I think you overdid it Kage, I do understand. To add to the bit on storylines, I'm working on a concept myself. It's to spark up more Kaldorei and Druid RP. The way, in my opinion, they should be RPed. If you want to get on in a storyline, just get ahold of me, with a Kaldorei or Druid, and we'll see what we can do!
On the subject of swearing, I heard the swearing rule was put in place more for the sake of politeness. When some people swear it's hard to know who the swearing is directed at, and it can quickly become offensive. That's why we don't have swearing in the OOC channels.
I do agree with the fact that I over did it -quite- a lot in fact, but I needed to vent anger, and this seemed best for I did not think people would take it as offensivly as I think they did. Again, sorry.
Quote:Honestly, I'm somewhat pissed of that I continually have to ask for some sort of rp, and am still stuck having none. Others tell me to go to Booty Bay, and I'm sure people here will say the same, but I don't want some tavern rp thats so farefeched, it's infureating. I want conflict, I want story line, and honestly, I'm not getting any.

Well same here, and I love writing for that kind of thing. But at the same time, I'm only human and I can't systematically go through the online list trying to hit up bored looking fellows. If you want RP, you probably are going to have to ask - or be a creeper like me and hunt it down yourself.
... It's true. Delta is a creeper like that. I swear, I'm being stalked by Theiba.
I knew exactly where you were even before we grouped.

How does that make you feel?

How did you know, however?
muhaha8 Wrote:... I'M SCARED.

How did you know, however?

Player map.

E: Apologies for derailing.
I do believe this post has de-railed rather quickly. I see no reason why we need to keep it open.
