Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Things aren't right.
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As I go on in my life, I attempt to play CotH regularly, have my characters do stuff, make things happen. As of late, I've realized there are things in life that I need to attend to. Such as school, health, things of that nature. As well as playing my vast collection of games on a lighter note. I will be on periodically, but not as much as I used to. Stewart is happily living his life in his house with Baydok until further notice, Allwine has gone back to Darnassus to re-evaluate her life through meditation and druid exercises (She would've notified those who are important to her, namely Jethro and Cloria), Kaia is still around, just mining in the forest. Tara is resting more often, but showing signs of improved health.

tl;dr I shall be on far less often. Got stuff to do.
Aww, bye Stew! Though, most of our roleplay had included. You killing my orc, and teaching my undead what alchemy there was! It's good to see you taking a step back since you need one. Goodluck for now! I still want some more roleplay on Clynnda. Badly! Especially with Stew, maybe she'll go raid your house and force you to teach her. /shrug