Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: An Assassin.
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I happen to be looking for an assassin to carry out a mission. The order would have been sent from an unknown person. A picture from a Gnomish camera would be included in a letter to the assassin. Send me a PM with your assassin's name, and his or her credentials (kills, number of times caught, etc.) and I'll put your name up for consideration. The assassin will OOC and ICly remain a secret from all but myself, and the assassin I pick, as I may launch a storyline, after the hit, involving the attempt to capture the assassin.

Thank you for your consideration! It should also be noted that I am not requiring the prestige to have been obtained, in order to qualify for this position. Whilst it may be preferred, I will take anyone who has the ability to perform the job.
A speedy bump to the top of the list, as I require moar PMs to make this possible! Please, folks, fill up the inbox.
Shameless bump. :<
I'd love to sign Coriv up for this job. Depends on the reasons though.
Just saying, but I asked for PMs, that way I can keep my choice of assassin out of the OOC public's eye, in case I decide to do something with the hit after the fact.
Oh, alright then.
But still, fire off a PM, and I'll be sure to keep Coriv in mind. As for a motive, gold is always effective, no?
Gold -is- effective, but he kinda has morales. As long as it doesn't contain hurting of "innocents"(like, a cheating husband is not a viable reason.) he'll be pretty much alright with it.