Conquest of the Horde

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I have a quick question...

Arcane seems to have some hold over kinetics with the spell 'Slow', and generally most of its spells causes an impact of some kind.

So, I'm wondering, could a mage use arcane to push an object, or pull it towards him? Such as the Jedi uses Force Push and Force Pull, or like the Death Knight's Death Grip?

I am not suggesting a mage can pull a large amount of weight like a Death Grip. I am thinking about smaller objects, such as swords or a book. Fel, we can make things float and brush the ground, why not this?

Pushing.. I'd assume it could have a large range of how much impact it can force. I'd assume an arcane bolt would feel like a kick to wherever the afflicted spot is. So, shouldn't it be able to do the same thing to objects?

Let me know! :3
I am actually interested in this, and would it be possible for one to use such a thing like force choke, way out there yes, but it would be interesting to see.
Err...Maybe? It doesn't seem that far fetched, that makes all DK sith and all Mages Jedi's...I call Darth Vader.

But yes, if they can slow you down, perhaps they can push and pull with magic.
KageAcuma Wrote:I am actually interested in this, and would it be possible for one to use such a thing like force choke, way out there yes, but it would be interesting to see.

I'm not going as far as attempting to strangle people with arcane.. I'm not pulling a Sith here. :P (I got SW:TOR for that in the future!)

It's just an combat style idea that I'll be having for a mage, either push the enemy away to pelt with more spells, or pull a friendly towards him out of harm's way.
McKnighter Wrote:
KageAcuma Wrote:I am actually interested in this, and would it be possible for one to use such a thing like force choke, way out there yes, but it would be interesting to see.

I'm not going as far as attempting to strangle people with arcane.. I'm not pulling a Sith here. :P (I got SW:TOR for that in the future!)

It's just an combat style idea that I'll be having for a mage, either push the enemy away to pelt with more spells, or pull a friendly towards him out of harm's way.

Well in that case, it would seem fun to RP with. And the whole choking thing was a mere thought on making evil characters more evil. (But yes, SW's is amazing, and which is TOR? I have not heard of it before)
The Old Republic.

But yes, Telekineticness is possible.
I've always imagined them to be able to do minor spells, such as levitating books and such, simply by being mages. Nothing threatening in combat mind you, other than the spells they allready have in game for that. Many ingame mages are able to levitate themselves, or huge boulders, so little things should hold no problem in my eyes at least. But unline the force, it is usually accompanied with a visualisation of the magic, such as an arcane twinkle, or a shower of sparks, that kind of thing.

Pushing someone with arcane is simply using an arcane missile, but rather than making it an offensive condensed ball of magical energy, I imagine it would be more like a light wave of arcane magic, to spread the force of impact.

Also, force choke is possible. Warlocks use strangulate ;)
Quote:Warlocks use strangulate

Those're Death Knights.
It is? Ah, well, warlocks get...silence, is it? Or some other kind of spell. Its up to us how those unspecific spells would be played out in character. There are many ways to silence someone after all.
I am not sure if you can do that with spells like arcane bolts or explosion, because those specifically are spells that induce force damage from what I've seen. It really comes down to guessing.

What magic is behind all the floating crystals, furniture, and potted plants in Silvermoon? Is that arcane? If so, I would guess a mage would be able to do it to minor objects. I am guessing the heavier the object is, the more difficult it would be to move with arcane.
The entire city of Silvermoon was built using Arcane. I'm pretty sure lifting books is acceptable.
*Dons Archmage Hat*

It should be doable, but would cost more mana the heavier the object is.

Unlike a DK, who it's just your weight against theirs and we get to see who goes where based on that, an arcane user moving stuff depends entirely upon his/her supply of mana. Like Silvermoon, they can build cities if they have access to a large enough supply. Or, in that case, a lot of mages. I would avoid using this for combat though.
*Also dons Archmage Hat*

Exactly as Xigo said. Also in terms of another question in the thread regarding force damage, force damage is generally considered some sort of impact damage which may or may not have piercing effects. A note on levitating large objects as well, they require concentration and generally move slowly. While they can be shot at an opponent/object there are generally less stressful means of accomplishing the same result.
Hmm, now the thought of taking a rock and 'shooting' it at someone comes to mind ^^