Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Another Time away from WoW. Heh, I'm sorry guys.....
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Alright. So, Real life ate me up this year, and I am really sad for what I'm about to say.

I'll be away for around an year now. Hopefully I'll be able to kick activity up earlier, but future's a mistery eh?
Real life is eating me up alive, the only days I've got free is monday and sunday, which I've been using to study and such.

What makes it even worse is that I may look out for a job, if I do, WoW will be a no-go for a very long time.
I feel horrible for leaving you guys with so many pending RP and stuff, but hey, what can I do?

Sincere apologies, and warm farewells from Ghardiak, Kraelk, Kaeseth, Rourke, Taonkhar, Glyphus, Krandy and Mortumir. Hope to see you guys soon! Cry
Take care Ghardiak! Good luck with everything that you gotta work on!
We'll miss you! <3
Bye! I didn't know you'd be leaving for an entire year. How sad, now this makes me look back on what great roleplay I had with you. Mainly Clynnda, and all the fun I had in your guild. Which I believe worked well, and had most of her development. It was great fun to roleplay with her, with you. And that introduced her to many others icly. Next I was able to roleplay with you on Relon, but not too much. I'm thankful for what roleplay I've had to enjoy with you and the guild you ran. And I hope things work out for the better. If I'm still around a year from now, I'll definitely say hi when you wander on back. Until then, goodbye for roleplay with you for now.



Well.. Can't blame you, I'm starting to get into the same spot. Kylianne will miss you!.. And your cash.. and your meals! Who's going to feed her now?! /Starve

Any-ho.. Good luck, see you around hopefully. And more.. cuddles and hugs and flirts and.. Say, is that my wallet? *Smirks* ^.~
Thanks for all the support guys, it's much appreciated. I'll be sticking to MSN and Vent every now and then. By luck and gore and-- Wait, I mean, if I have some time avaible to RP, I'll try and log into WoW. Kthnxbye
Aw, man. :/

Stick around MSN, as you said. Hang in there, and most things'll hopefully solve themselves in time. CotH won't go anywhere, so it'll still be here when you get back.

Just take care. <3
Sad to hear, Ghardiak.

Well I wish you the best of luck with whatever you need to do... And we'll keep in contact by MSN and skype ^^
Make the best of it, and take care! <3
Sad to see you leave Ghardiak. I do hope that everything turns out alright. :3
We all take one of these here and there.

See you soon.