Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: NPC Weapons?
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/equip flame shield.

I have been playing on here on and off for about a week now (Maybe even nearly a week, I don't keep good track of time), and I almost have a coherent profile to use (Not just new to the realm, but RP in general). Point: I'm new and there is still a lot of unfamiliar stuff, so do not be surprised if I state the obvious or something.

My character in a Night Elf, and I was hoping to get a Night Elf weapon for them. I liked the idea of the "Moonglaive" which those of you who have played Warcraft 3 should know well, those who are not, it's the weapon you see a lot of Night Elf sentinels with (The three-sided glaive).

Well I was unable to retrieve the only non-NPC one I knew of via the .addrpitem command, so I asked a GM if it could be spawned, which they were unable to do. When I tested on live the server could not retrieve it (Live servers now give you info of items even if they haven't appeared in-game, so you can view things like the warglaives (Artifact) and Ashbringer, etc.), so I am guessing it's old and outdated or something.

Well I saw some custom RP weapons have been made on this server, but not many. I was thinking, there are actually quite a few NPC weapons that are unique and would be kind of cool to have, here is a few examples...

Moonglaive - These models are used by (Mostly female) Night Elf NPCs, these stand out due to their unique look of three glaive sides in a circular formation and are very close with Night Elf lore so much so that one is part of their faction's emblem. These were used by the Night Elf Huntresses in Warcraft 3, an example in WoW would be the Darnassus Sentinels.

Warglaives - "But wait! We already have warglaives in game?" That is true, but these are the non-legendary bland generic kind. These were used by Demon Hunters in Warcraft 3, as well as some NPCs in WoW (Mostly Elven), the Silvermoon City guards use a special variation of these.

Totem - Used by Tauren's (And Taurnen Chieftain's) in Warcraft 3, and several Tauren NPCs in WoW, most notably Baine/Cairne Bloodhoof.

"Useless Items" - These are used by various non-military NPCs, these are things like mugs, brooms, lanterns, buckets, wineglasses, etc. might be some nice flavor items.

This isn't a "GIVE ME MEH WEAPONZ!!!" topic, I'm just throwing the idea about it out there. Again I apologize if this is the wrong forum, but it seemed the most appropriate.
Oh damn, I was unaware there was one already going.