Conquest of the Horde

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He was wandering through the Old Town of Stormwind. Some sort of meeting, man called for him to go into the alley in the center of the district. He had no clue why, but he wasn't complaining. Aulten rounded the corner to enter the alley. Snap. "Shit..." he thought, as a trip-wire was activated. A crossbow bolt flew through the air, and sunk into his lower back. In a rage, adrenaline pumping, the old man rounded the corner at a high rate of speed. He suddenly found it hard to breathe. Bolt must have been poisoned. He sprinted through the alleyway and appeared on the other side. Snap. Another bolt flew through, and hit him in the base of the neck. His body went limp, hitting the ground like a brick. A portal was opened, some moments later, and his body dropped through it. Astus, up to no good again... His body fell onto the bed of his old room in the Catacombs.


The next day...

Mistal'aerix walked into the room in the Catacombs. He examined the bookcases, and alchemical supplies. "Interesting..." he muttered casually. He continued around the room, walking by several toxing-seeming plants. He frowned, ignoring them. He stepped up to the desk in the corner, reading the title of the first book in the stack. "Of Fel, and Demonology." He smirked. "Mortals and their books... I pity them and their lack of knowledge..." He turned to leave, but his eyes fell on the corpse on the bed. His eyes widened and he let his tongue run along the thin lines of his lips. "How delightful." He made his way over to the side of the bed. He smirked as he took the man in. "Another dead mortal... Waste the Legion haven't got their hands on their soul..."

He narrowed his eyes and grabbed the corpse by his leg, pulling him closer to examine the man's face. He took the man's face in his claw and turned it to one side. His fangs began to show better as the smirk became a grin. "A human..." He shook his head. "Not much of a pretty one, though." He nodded slightly. "Ah, this must be a man who used the gift of the Legion..." He placed his hand on the chest of Aulten and closed his eyes. Shadow becan to pour from the palm of Mistal's hand, moving slowly towards the nostrils of the man. Although the man did not breathe, the shadow would move into the nostrils and continue its way through the gullet into his stomach. At some point, Mistal opened his eyes and took his hand off the man's chest again. "A soulstone..."

He moved his right hand above the man's chest and created a sigil, followed by another one made with his left hand. As he drew the sigils his lips would move, and whisper Eredun words while the sigils turned Fel green. Slowly, a purple light began to glow through the man's chest, toward the cieling, increasing as the Fel Sworn continues the incantation. The purple light became brighter and brighter until slowly an orb would come forth from the man's chest. He held his hands up in the form of a cup, and as the orb grew larger, it also began to move towards his hands. The sigils faded, as did the soft mumbling of the Fel Sworn, and the orb would place itself gently in his hands. He looked within the soulstone and grinned, seeing the spirit of the man within the orb. It darted around, commanding to be released once again. He shook his head at the spirit. "Now... What am I going to do with you?" He held the orb up to the level of his eyes. "I could get you back to this world... Or I could make you stay within this orb and carry you with me." He tapped his chin with his left hand as he thought about the enjoying options. Veering his gaze back to the orb, his expression became serious again.

"I will let you return to this plane... Since you will have potential... Dire potential, even." He snapped his fingers, and the orb would hover back above the man;s chest. Mistal streched his hands towards the orb and closed his eyes, mumbling an incantation as he did. Bright blue light ignited within the orb, giving the walls a blue glow for a few seconds. The Fel Sworn lowered his arms again, but changed the Eredun phrases. The orb would lower itself back into the man's chest, and a purple glow appeared around the man's body. It faded seconds later. Mistal nodded slowly at the corpse, smirking. "Ah, yes... You will return." Mistal slowly lowered himself next to the corpse, and let out a long, drawn-out sigh. The cracks in his face began to glow brighter as he breathed heavily. Mistal would keep his eyes on the corpse, waiting for any signs of life. The corpse would let out a shudder, his body spasming for several moments. Slowly, it stopped, and his breathing settled into a steady, slow rhythm. His eyes did not open, and he would remain as such for some time. Mistal smirked at the body and nodded. "At least you breathe... The beginning..."


Aulten lives!

Rezzer: Mistal

Killer: Coriv

Short-term drawbacks:

-Aulten will be in a coma for some time. Specifically, until Friday.
-Upon waking, Aulten will suffer bouts of debilitating paralysis. He will likely be confined to the room he was revived in, for at least a week. Movement to the Cabal Tower is possible.
-Aulten will have trouble breathing. Immense trouble, as the poison used constricted muscular movement, as well as his breathing. His ability to perform strenuous tasks will be extremely limited.

Long-term drawbacks:

-Aulten will have extreme difficulty moving, after his bouts of paralysis fade. He will likely require assistance to move anywhere.
-Breathing difficulties will persist for some time, although lessened.

Permanent drawbacks:

-Aulten will be required to use a cane. He will never fully regain his movement.
-The Fel corruption that has taken Aulten will spread. His Ring of Glamour will fail to cover all of his corruption from this point onward. He can no longer set foot in a city, for fear of being shot down in cold blood.
Coriv approves of this! :)
Andy approves of Coriv's approval.

Will Aulten ever be an old man again?
He's -been- old, he just never acted it. Now he doesn't have a choice to. D: He may actually retire from his evil deeds, and merely practice Fel recreationally.