Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: It's been awhile...
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Well, I suppose it's been wow, heh a few months shy of a year...sorry about that folks. So the big question of "Where the hell have ya been Dag?" Well...erm...around?! I surfed retail for a bit and grinded the first two weeks in Cata, got bored, quit WoW all together and kinda ventured off the computer for the last several months delving into Magic the Gathering tournaments and a bunch of other things including taking a new job and girlfriend...>.> I know...heh, who would've thought? -awaits smart comment from Kretol- Anyways, as soon as I get some things settled down I might actually be back in the server but for now it's kinda floating around here occasionally and trying to dig up the old character stories...and read up on what's been goin on around here. Hope to see some familiar faces around here.
Hey, I remember you! I only RP'd like. . .A few mins with you, but weren't you that guy who made that awesome video about your char?
Yeah actually...can't believe some still remember that though I wish I could say I remembered you -frowns- sorry a bit of memory loss. Also forgot to mention been playing in a band so been slightly busy but hope to get in here.
Oh, we never really talked.
"Daginae blows the Horn of Gilneas.
Daginae yells: For Gilneas!
Daginae starts to charge!"

Like I could ever forget that one Gilnean... Welcome back, Dag. Charge around some, will ya'?
Yeah tryin to, a little hard trying to get a copy of WoW to 3.whatever...but hopefully soon enough.
viewtopic.php?f=56&t=26085 is good for guides, I believe.
Yup back in as of this evening so I'll be on from time to time and probably a lot more once the profile goes through agian.