Conquest of the Horde

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Terant Wrote:Hantin Wiltonsteel

I <3 Hantin.

I've spent a month working on a secret project. A month locked up in a private little plot of land in a private little universe constructing a private little 'thingie'. I finished just yesterday.

The pin dropped with a horrible clang today: When I stepped on I looked out across the server and realized...There was no role-play for me.

This will not do.
FINE FINE, I'LL DO THE HANTIN THING! Expect a 100% increase in Terant's Dwarf population in the next few days. :D
Theraslyn and Scereza could meet, both being Dalaronians who roam the world, albeit for different reasons.
And here I thought Kat and Valira were becoming fast friends.
Rosencrat Wrote:The oldest recoreded Belf on the server
Rosencrat Wrote:oldest
Marjora - 273
Richtnel - 303

[Image: 1267891216104.jpg?1268088399]

Jokes and possible wiki flaws aside, does Marjora quite mind the company she keeps? Because grumpy old mage meets sleek if evil warlock is a dream come true scenario. Plus Richt's excessive string of NPC murders in Silvermoon were found out, and he's pretty much never able to go back their again.

How about Eskos and Paleran? Eskos is an old, stern, rigidly strict Draenei Mage who, while not unintelligent, stands for traditional Draenei values rather than radical new ideas. They could debate some time or something, I don't know.

Next, let's talk Pops and Scereza. Mr. Patrick Gillford AKA Pops is exceedingly 'realist,' realist here having the meaning of he doesn't expect much from people. A minor engineer but extreme demolitions expert, the people he does meet and like will get instant access to his plethora of mind boggling, happiness inducing fireworks with little cost. This could also work for Tani, but I figure since Scereza is also a mage. Come to think of it, Pops and Paleran could talk Engineering, too, only the language barrier could impede their discussions.

I think Kitaala has been wanting to pay Paleran back for that damned "ice cream" mayonnaise for months, now.
As a seasoned Kirin Tor magi Ariden is always available to teach a willing student in the ways of magic, especially when the students hails from Dalaran.
Miss the RP between Xigo and Paleran, on that note.

Oh Frostbrand, how I miss you.
Xigo Wrote:Miss the RP between Xigo and Paleran, on that note.

Oh Frostbrand, how I miss you.


All I shall say.
To all those who messaged me:

Whisper me in game if you see me! If I am on and skulking around GMI, that means I've either died at the keyboard or looking for RP.

I am hardly as frightening as I appear.
Rosencrat Wrote:I am hardly as frightening as I appear.

I can vouch for that. :D
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