Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A change in pet model.
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Would it be possible for a GM to change the ghoul I have into one of the Northrend versions, or a gheist?

Northrend model codes: 30597, 47861, 37545,

Geist model code: 31147
Ghouls aren't permanent, they'd have to do it every time you summoned one.
....Aw :(
Maybe they could make an item that transforms your ghoul to it, but it could easily be abused...

Though for me it might work for my demons if the object was scripted to /target my demon's name and then xform it...

Hmmm. Possible? I could have Astus's undead ogre visible.
That's a good idea :o but dunno if they could do it, it -is- possible though :)