Conquest of the Horde

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This might be highly unlikely but it does in Cata. Possibly a Tsunami could hit BB. I'm not talking some small trash, I am talking boats getting tipped and hitting the bay and crap. I heard the Tsunami hit BB before Cata. Having said that I would enjoy this event. Also being at BB when it hits. To me this would be really fun to do. Also having goblin workers after rebuilding BB. :) I like this idea but like I said it might not happen! :D :D
((I tried my best for Pic))
(( This has nothing to do with Japan to tell you the truth I wasn't thinking about it when I was typing ^.^ I do feel for Japan though :( ))
Too soon.
I didn't say when :)
I meant...


Ouch. Horrible, -horrible- timing.
Very much so.

Freedomgoddess, this would probably be a bad idea right now, considering the events in Japan.
...It is a good idea, though!
I was about to say that. Due to stuff in Japan, must be a bad timing and such. People are sensible and such.
Oh yeah, it is a good idea, though. I have long been thinking about having events leading up to Cataclysm. Including the Tsunami. This was just horrible timing to propose it.
Yes, as things are, most of us wouldn't be able to really enjoy the event without feeling guilty. At least, I know I wouldn't.
I didnt say right now and I didnt say that I hate Japan I don't I really am sad because of it I am not a low life. Like I said I didn't say WHEN.
I know you don't mean to offend anyone, but an idea like this really is in poor taste considering what happened. Let's just drop it for now, and if people like the idea we can suggest it again in a few months.
I know you didn't say "when" but even by bringing it up now is in bad taste...whether intentional or not.
I don't know if I can state this without offending someone...

But there is a difference between a disaster and a fictional disaster. The tsunami was very powerful, tragic, and impacted a lot of lives, but we can't just go ahead and tell everyone that they're insensitive for considering imaginary scenarios with tsunamis.

There's a lot of things in RP that happen that can also happen in real life and be very tragic. I think that's the nature of Cataclysm: it's covering a lot of natural disasters, and we can't stop our imaginary world, much less our imaginations, because of what happens in the real world.

As a side note I would ask the GMs what they think. We don't have an estimated time for when Cataclysm is actually arriving for the server.
Seriously, there's no way you could have thought this was a good idea. Especially with all the stuff going on in the news, seriously not cool.
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