Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Vishna [Voidcaller] [Persistent]
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Race of character: Voidcaller

Class of character: Warlock

Name of character: Vishna

Exactl model requested: 18990

Duration of character: Persistent - Well until it dies, which could vary from a week or so to a month or two. Though very unlikely to be more than two months.

Purpose of character: To enhance evil roleplay, he will be associating himself with anyone 'evil' aligned in order to manipulate/ally with them. It is extremely unlikely that he will actually engage in any combat himself unless of course he is forced into it and escape fails. - See extra information below the picture for more information on this.

Location of character: 99% of the time it will be Catacombs and Duskwood although there is a chance he could travel to other fairly deserted and dark locations ( not even close to towns or cities of any kind ever )

Level requested: 80 simply for ease of travelling duskwood without getting killed.

Any special equipment: None

Screenshot: Very big, sorry.

[Image: 16523.jpg]

Extra information :

As I said earlier in the duration, I do not expect this character to last an overly long time as he will be -very- evil. I will be trying to liven up and create some role-play in the Catacombs first ( tournaments, manipulation, alliances, fighting, plotting etc.) and then once I succeed in that I will head into Duskwood and cause some mayhem there which will hopefully attract the attention of some good guys who will try and hunt me down. I will try and turn this into an event before they will hopefully, if all goes to plan, succeed and destroy me. This may seem slightly pointless to some people and a waste of a character but I just think it would a great chance for some mini-events, and some nice evil-evil and evil-good role-play which will have a final conclusion. If/when he does die, I will certainly not be resurrecting him soon, but possibly in a good few months ( at least 3 ) if at all. This will depend on whether I can think up any events or storyline that he can play a role in.
This guy would be good against Uzair, the ethereal. Have you spoken to his player?
Nope, but I certainly will soon depending on any comments/feedback. Don't want to start arranging something if I'm just going to get a big NO. I'll have a quick chat with him though and see if he's interested. Thanks :)
Oh! Those Voidwalker thingies are call Voidcallers. Heh.
Oh right! Thought they were in fact different things, thanks for clearing that up, have editied appropriately.
Archiving for now (player inactive).