Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Suzy`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
Hello, my name is Suzy (obviously :P). I love to role play and just don't get enough on retail. I've been role playing on private servers for over two years. i have watched the birth of many, the joining of communities and the break ups. Almost always I see the mistake of role players getting too attached to their characters, which is understandable (when you make crazy long applications and put a lot of time into building them up in the community to become something great), but as with everything; all good things come to an end, eventually. IMO not many understand where to draw the line, thus I keep my OOC and IC well in-check.

On a side note, sorry for my long run on sentences. Not to good at creating paragraphs.

/Suzy furrows an eyebrow; "But im good with detailed emotes!" She gives a cocky wink.

Although I have not had the pleasure of log'ing in yet I have read a few good forum posts on the races and classes and I gotta say; I LOVE the one on the forsaken. Im a big fan of role playing undead in many shapes and forms. "Props" to whom-ever wrote that post.

Erm, running out of things to say...
Hate meta-gamers/ god-moding.
If im ever in a battle, im usually picking the loosing side to set a good example of how to be curious to your fellow role players and NOT invisible. Ive lost two dragons, a death-knight, three magi and a lich to this odd tactic; all whom I've put countless hours into applying for and role playing with to get them a known name. I see you have applied a rolling system to help solve the god-moding problem I see all to often. Again, "props" to you!

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
Im from the USA. Primary language is English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Collage... friends needed a healer, I was up for a new game. Took me a while to get off Supersmash Bros though. Hehe

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
Two basic reasons;
1. This application to get in, insures theirs no "newbs" to role play and thus HOPEFULLY no meta-gamers OOC/IC mixing players.
2. The rolling system is an awesome idea.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Fighting (although as stated above im always on the loosing side).
Adventurous RP.
Twisted plot RP... when agreed upon by all players who can 'actually' stick to their roles as if they didn't know 'said' ironic/twisted outcome.
Anything I can make into a machinima (love making random wow movies).
Anything involving undead, forsaken, the Cult of the Damned, The Lich King, Sylvanas related... undeath.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Forsaken! No on asks a forsaken girl to ERP, although shes "dead" sexy. hehe
Death knights; as their so tide to undeath in so many ways.

What are your expectations of this server?:
Get into the community, make crazy role play loving ethernet friends and have fun... what else? A few good posts to contribute?

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
It reads error 404, same as the link on the left navigation but im sure its "respect your fellow role players" "no erp in public" and "no meta-gaming" and such.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
The last server I was on I lost my lich to true death; if you don't mind Ill give you the story of how she came to be. ^^

Suzy was born into a family of seven brother's and two sister's. Her mother was a beautiful and intelligent high elf mage who fell in love with a simple farmer of Ambermill during the end of the Second War. The constant break's from the orc internment camps that surrounded the area gave the farmer's trouble and a sense of fear. To the south the Greymane Wall was being erected, Pyrewood to the west gave good turnover to her families crop's and many traveler's to and from Dalaran would pass by often, giving the human town a sense of rich culture and magic even through the feild's of it's farm's.

The majority of her sibling's went to school in Ambermill, her eldest brother was lucky enough to get pulled into Dalaran's school's, her youngest sister was still too young to attend classes and stayed home with her parent's. The two were very close being the only girl's of nine siblings. Suzy herself was a bookworm and often traveled with her young sister and parent's to Pyrewood Village upon marketing season's. There she discovered a library filled with ancient book's and scriptures of the dark art's in the "fiction" section. She would read every one of these text's before her mother caught wind of her activities, partially due to her little sister tattling about her horror stories she would erect before bedtime about the strange spell's she would read of during her day's.

Even after the marketing season was over she would travel with a few of her brother's to Pyrewood. As they disappeared into the bar's; often telling one another to keep an eye on her, but none of them taking up the responsibility, she would scurry of to the library. One day upon returning home with one of these ancient text's, she was startled by her eldest brother and mother sitting in the candle light of dusk just outside, their faces very stern. Her mother took the book from her and gave her a good scolding which was continued by her brother of the horror's and the truth of these book's which up till now she had thought to be fiction.

Her response would make all the difference in her punishment, she knew this but chose the wrong word's; "The threat of the orc's hiding in the grass all around us seemed more threatening than someone raising a zombie puppet with minimal capabilities." She smirked as her little girly curl's bounced, only seven and already she could understand the abilities of her so called "fiction". This startled her mother, but most of all her brother who was furious upon her word's, obviously knowing much more on the subject than her young mind could fabricate. She was grounded and forbidden never to enter the pyrewood until next marketing season when she would be closely watched while there.

The harsh warning's of her elder's would have made any other child back off the subject completely, but with eight children still living at home, it was easy enough to slip out of sight for a few hour's here and there to go about her own mischief. Rather than avoid the subject, she became more and more interested in why it was so forbidden. The Library of Ambermill contained no text's of dark magic as it was looked down upon in Dalaran and would leave a bad taste in the traveler's mouth's if seen on their shelves. In order to obtain such book's she would have to sneek out at night and venture into Pyrewood among other close town's that may contain the book's she desired, reading them in secret during the day.

The year's passed and Suzy continued her dark magic's in secret, becoming a social outcast in school, spending most of her time in the library. When at home she was almost never caught without a book in her hand; she would mask the cover's with that of arcane magic's and other "more acceptable" subject's but come up empty minded when questioned about them. At night she would travel for miles with the protection of the family dog or a brother who would have a strong craving for alcohol to obtain another text. She would practice her necromancy on small creatures, her dark magic on stone target's deep in the forest's of Lordaeron, after her chores she would disappear and come back just before dusk each night.

By the time she grew into a young lady her and her sister were almost enemies in their own home. Disagreeing on everything, constantly arguing and fighting. Her harsh tongue made it easy to dismiss her whereabouts during the day as long as her parent's didn't have to deal with it. Her sister was training to become a paladin as she was descending deeper and deeper into the dark art's of Necromancy. All argument's aside, rumor's of the dead beginning to walk and attack in nearby farm's gave their family a scare and forced their rash thinking. Leaving their eldest brother to eventually defend Dalaran from the massive armies they fled to Greyman Wall. Leaving their farmland many of their belonging's behind just before the gates closed. Suzy's daily disappearances had cost her a goodbye and all she was left with was a note telling her of the town's semi evacuation. By the time she had made it to the Wall the gates had closed for good.

With little to leave behind she went to Dalaran to search for her brother to tell him of what had happened. Before she could enter the city however, she was stopped by two suspicious guard's who did not take kindly to her dark robes and pail completion. When questioned and searched they found one of her Necromantic scriptures and began surrounding her for arrest, treason and practice of the dark art's. Cornered and seeing no good outcome from this, It was than she truly had a chance to use the full abilities of her shadow magic she had been practicing for so long.

The guard's went down in the gorey-est of mannerisms, consumed by horrific shadow flames and than resurrected as decaying puppet's to combat another half dozen that followed. In the end she ended up fleeing, taking out ten guard's and earning a wanted poster in Dalaran for several months before it was destroyed. From there she fled to Hillsbrad and eventually made her way to South Shore taking up a job as a bar maiden to survive.

Upon a gloomy afternoon she was walking a road and spotted a White Kitten, with child like curiosity she followed it, stumbling into it's master, unable to see him in the thick mist. Startled and apologetic she took up a conversation with him until she found out his identity as a High Archmage from Dalaran. She nearly fled with this information but before she could turn to scurry away he grabbed her arm with a smirk claiming he had seen her wanted poster in Dalaran. Cornered again she took up a defensive stance but as he laughed not even giving it a thought he told her he was not going to turn her in, nore harm her and invited her to become a member of his secret organization known as The "Cult of the Damned".

He lured her into a barn of like minded individual's and told her exactly what she wanted to hear. He assured her that if he aided him, she would gain immortality... in a sense, in the end. He offered to help her improve her growing power's and become a part of an organization that would affect the future of Azoroth. He gave her direction's to a secretive school in the crypt's of Caer Darrow and sent her on her way.

Upon arrival she would soak in every drop of information bestowed upon her. She seemed to bask in the practice of new dark art's, thrive on the ton's of text's that lined the wall's and as her knowledge grew, so did her power's. She studied late into her 20's before preforming a ritual to become a Lich herself. Time always seemed to work against student's were pulled from the school in order to help spread the plague and fight along side the undead and Kelthuzad. Her Phylactery was well hidden and she fraught along side her classmates, the undead, Kel'thuzad; at one point both living and dead and saw the destruction of Lordaeron; the fall of King Terenas Menethil II to his Son, Dalaran (assuming her brother died as well), Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas.

Which left us at patch 3.3.0; The Fall of the Lich King, Grayman Wall will open in another year and my lil' Lich girls still is as free minded as she ever was, becoming a Lich before the undead were mindlessly recruited to war against the living, however she still sides with the scourge. Seeking out like minded individual's and more powerful spell's under the guise of a high elf with the aid of a shape shifting artifact she wear's around her neck. ^^

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Im sure ill figure it out when I get in-game but is their a mall here? One where you can gear up in custom items such as shirts and such characters wouldn't have access to otherwise for the sake of RP armor? Do players have the ability to use commands to transform themselves into npc models and add items into their bags, port to places, ect? JUST curious. Ive been on a LOT of crazy servers where these things were possible.
Hello Suzy! I'm Loxmardin and it's my pleasure to welcome you to Conquest of the Horde!

You need to remember to always capitalize the word "I". You forget that a lot. As well as adding apostrophes in cases like "I'm" or "I'll". Keep this in mind.

And, there is not really a "mall", though GMI could probably count as one. It's the main OOC area of the server where there are certain kinds of vendors for RP clothing and Dungeon and Tier sets. Otherwise, for clothes, most players use the ".addrpitem" command of which there is a guide in the Articles and Guides section. And no, the players don't have those commands. The only commands you have can be accessed through ".commands", and they are very limited. You can access you bank through the ".bank" command, for example.

If you haven't already, I'd suggest that you double-check the rules and policies of the server on our very own CotH Wiki. If you have any questions, you should consult the Wiki and the available subforums which contain a fair bit of information ("Forum: Search" is your friend!) first but you are of course always welcome to contact a GM if you can't find what you're looking for, or ask on the forums!

Have fun, enjoy your stay and see you in-game!

Happy RPing!
