Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Now Tzekel, don't maul that huma - Too late. [RC]
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The bloody man lifted himself from the floor. His black armour torn to shreds, he burnt, black, mucus filled skin bled constantly, creating a sanguine trail as he wandered aimlessly to the higher tier of the Bay. His swords were held loosely by his sides, his eyes wide open, his mouth dripping with blood.

His vision blurred as a dozen bodies moved in front of him, the world spun and he gripped his weapons tighter, the only comfort he had left. One body split from the crowd and approached him.

“Get away from me!"

He did not back away, he said he wanted to help. But the bloodied man knew better, he went to swing his sword but the muscles in his body wouldn't budge. They spasmed and he fell forwards, vomit of bile and blood spewing from his lips as he erupted into a coughing fit. The crowd murmured uncertainly as the man lay there, picking himself back up onto all fours, more people began to approach him, he had to stop then.

The sound of crackling fire suddenly drew the attention of all nearby as a massive fireball was catapulted from above at a giant troll who had been crouching, watching the man. This made the troll angry. Very. Very. Very angry. In fact, as far as angry trolls go, this was pretty far up on the

He roared. He crouched. And he charged towards the nearly dead man, ripping into his side with his massive tusks the man was sent flying, flung into the side of a building. A man clad in armour rushed over, then back again as the troll continued to rip the man apart, his insides flying everywhere. And that's how Hektor died...


The end came suddenly for Hektor, time had passed without much notice for the last few days as the plague had destroyed anything human left in him. He had seen the troll coming but had not the strenght to resist, or the want. The release looked welcoming. How wrong he was.

A wave of blackness engulfed him as he fell into a bottomless pit, nothingness surrounded him, and filled him. Pain wreaked havoc on his mind, demons clawed at him, wolves tore into his legs, bats scratched at his head. He felt naught but pain. Saw naught but blackness. And eternal depsair and desolation would follow.


Three black robed forsaken carried the body sized leather bag between them out of the Bay. The walked through the Jungle until they came to an ancient troll sacrificial ground where the unrolled the leather to reveal a half burnt corpse, completely unrecognisable. The drew out symbols in the dirt, took out candles and other equipment then waited till the sun set on the western hills. Then they started their spells and rituals.

Lines of black, green and purple flew around all three of them, into the body. It started to twitch and writhe, still faceless and burnt. Then one left the group and headed into the forest. Ten minutes later he arrived again, dragging a bloody and beaten human woman, clad in white robes.

“Make him live again. Or you shall join him in his pain.”

She sobbed hard and long as he beat her with his bony hand before she agreed. She began casting the spells of resurrection, forcefully empowered by the dark magic of the forsaken. Soon, the body looked human again. Disfigured, but human. The woman fell to her knees sobbing again, she cried out as the bone dagger slit her throat. Then she cried no more.


A blast of whiteness washed over Hektor. He stopped falling and the demons retreated as the Light pushed them away from his mind. He heard the sobbing of a woman and he writhed around, trying to open his eyes but found them too heavy. He heard a final cry and with all his strength lifted his eyelids. Three forsaken surrounded him, magic was in the air as runes glowed on the floor around him. One spoke to him.

“Hello my beautiful…You are safe now, I have saved you, I am-”

A boot to the chest shut her up as he jumped to his feet, the waves of magic still coursed through him and he felt alive and well. He kicked her again, sending her tumbling into the bushes. He turned to the other two and aimed a punch at a head, it reeled back and fled. Then another and the final of them retreated into the bushes. The magic energy subsided and Hektor fell to his knees. Then into unconsciousness again. But this time, he wasn't falling. There was no demons and no despair. There was just pain and anger. Just like normal. He was back.

Killer: Tzekel

Resurrector: Yescha and two other Desolate Twilight members along with a captured Priest.

Short Term:

-Extremely weak. Cannot lift a weapon or even punch properly. He will have real trouble walking and even the slightest movement will put him in complete agony.
-Bad eyesight. Having his eyes burnt out was kind of bad for his eyesight. He now has new eyes but will take a while getting used to them so he will likely be bumping into things for a while

Long Term:

-Sudden temper changes ( even more than usual ). Remembering his torment will cause him to suddenly fly into a rage where he will often hurt himself more than others. This can also be reversed as he may suddenly become very depressed thinking about his desolate and agonising fate that lies in wait for him at the end of his life.
-Muscle loss. Even after he recovers from the extreme weakness he will have lost a lot of tissue from the burning and the magic has not rebuilt all of this. Until he starts building this back up again he will not be able to wear mail/plate armour or wield large weapons.


-Weaker. He was once bulging with muscles but due to permanent tissue damage he will never be able to regain his previous strength. He can no longer use heavy plate or very large two handed weapons.
-Unstable mind. Back in the void he lost a few brain cells and now has trouble processing situations and will often make the wrong decision and choose to fight rather than think.