Conquest of the Horde

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A small shadow come out from a darkened Booty Bay alleyway as you pass by, it's voice seems coarse but there is some evidence leading to a female.

"Psssst, Hey buddy. Ya look like a hard workin' fella, here I got some thing fer ya."

The figure leads you further into the alley. As you reach the end the figure pulls down a hood, revealing a surprisingly smooth face. She looks up at you and points towards a rather large crate with some books on it.

"I got a lil' somethin' for everyone here."

The gnome walks over towards the crate, listing off a few titles as she moves down the line of tomes.

"Brazie's Big book on Beloved Blood Elf Beauties, Brazie's Dictionary of Devilish Draenei Damsels..."
[Image: brasie.png]
She makes her way down the line, skipping some books with a sort of discontent, reaching the last one on the line. She takes a deep breath and blows some dust off of it before showing it to you.

"....Brazie's Footnotes for Forsaken Fun in the Foothills."

She lets out a hacking cough before turning around, facing you with a slight grin.

"...Or are ya a...Simpler kinda guy?"

She holds out a picture of Tyrande in her hand.

"So, friend. Fer twenty silver a pop I can lend a helping *cough* hand. So, do I have yer interest?"

((About the books: When you try to open the book it will say "The pages are stuck together, rendering the book useless." This is a mechanic I've placed in game in order so that I don't have to go about writing a bunch of books of questionable nature, you are free to treat the book as if it does indeed have something in them.

Credit goes to Piroska whom provided the pictures

Book List:
Brazie's Dictionary of Devilish Draenei Damsels
Brazie's Text of Tempting Trolls
Brazie's Octavo for Ogling Orcs near Orgimmar
Brazie's Footnotes for Forsaken Fun in the Foothills
Brazie's Tome of Tauren Troubles
Brazie's Big Book on Beloved Blood Elf Beauties
Brazie's Guide to Getting Good with Gnomish Girls
Brazie's Handbook to Handling Human Hunnies
Brazie's Notes on Naughty Night Elves
Brazie's Document on Dwarven Dates in Dun Moroguh
Brazie's Booklet on Big Blood Elf Boytoys
Dirty Picture of Tyrande ))
I approve.
Oh Lordy, I remember this madness.
Is... is that Lexi selling those books?
No, that's the one gnome you'd ever see me play.
She needs to sell "The Naughty Eldar Farseer"
"Grabbin' Goblins and Gettin' Gold"! and Worgen would b- oh I'm gonna throw up
I think I still have all of the books from before the restart...

They were great fun to see used in RP. I recall having Kenarith hide some in a certain uptight elf's saddlebags.. said elf was thoroughly traumatized. Good times.

You need to add to the line of goods. /nodnod. Especially seeing how Booty Bay RP has gone up drastically.
Quote:Dirty picture of Tyrande))

I'm having trouble imagining how she got Tyrande to volunteer for the picture. o_o
Moonwell's are *giggle*
PvtFrog Wrote:
Quote:Dirty picture of Tyrande))

I'm having trouble imagining how she got Tyrande to volunteer for the picture. o_o

Trade secret.

Hint: It's an impersonator.
If Brazie gets back in business...well...Vitaly could use some of these books. :D
Just sayin'....
Pathetic... what kind of a twisted man would want such things?! So pathetic!

Psst! Save Bred a copy of the gnome chicks book!
Hmm, yes, I think Matthew will need to buy some of these books.

Medical reasons, of course.