Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Goin' on a cruise
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Gone for the week, going to get tan...
And have some fun ON A BOAT.

Now I leave you with this.

Spoilered for language.
That's totes what I meant to put. Copy paste fail.
Well, I'm still gone, browsing with the hotel's Internet on my itouch. Yesterday was kinda weird, almost didn't make it to Miami! First plane had problems with the engine, so after hours of waiting to get on the plane, then hours ON the plane, they switch us to a new plane. After this we were going to be late for our connecting flight And got rebooked fir a flight at 6 am. Then we find out they held the plane for us, after we canceled our flight. We managed to get on minutes before the plane left. Unfortunately, we canceled our hotel in Miami so we had to look through a list of hotels till we finally found a room at the END of the list. Haha deep
Herp. Well hope you're having fun!!