Conquest of the Horde

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Nothing like giving rogue DKs a severe talking to lol
Ok I get it. Thanks for the help guys! :D
What can they do to rogues who hide in cities?
Well, they could lure them out with a pair of night elves/blood elves who are female...

That, or they take them to a place without guards, and then apply punishment/beating/kidnapping.
A second opinion of mine is to not call them Rogues, I mean...Rogues imply they left something, Ebon Blade wasn't required, but most wanted vengence, it's not like Darien turned around and shot anyone who said "Nah I'm gonna go sit over there and...I may just watch"

Half of the population say Rogue is "Not with the Ebon" the other half say "It's not following the rules" but a real to speak is someone that kills and kills and kills for no reason with no morals, not wearing a blade in public, but that is just my opinion I guess.
I like McKnighter's idea; totally gives an idea for a character now. *Whistles innocently*
Zarquon Wrote:I like McKnighter's idea; totally gives an idea for a character now. *Whistles innocently*

A sexy elven lady to draw out the rogues?

You have Garrius' swo-err runeblade.
I would suggest not having the aim solely be hunting knights that give the Ebond Blade a bad rep, make sure that you guys can do other things as well. Like fighting Scourge etc, broaden the horizons a bit or I would bet this guild won't live long. I think one of the main reasons the first coterie of 'rogue-hunters' disbanded was because they had pretty much nothing else to do, variety is what keeps interest.

Also note that GMs do not look kindly on any guild out solely to kill other players, so make sure you do not end up like that or we will have to meddle. RP is between several people so make it enjoyable for everyone!
I have actually heard that Death Knights have to have their blades on them, or at least some kind of runeblade; that they begin to mad if they do not carry.

This should be interesting for Kelia, since she is not actively in the Ebon Blade (although very lawful good) and instead takes whatever cause she sees as just. She makes no effort to hide that she is a death knight at all, short of wearing a hood; she in fact openly displays herself as such because she believes she should be ostracized.

Sounds like fun.
This sounds great for Taron. He has no problem with hiding his eyes and simply summoning his armor and Runeblade when need be. And plus, it'd be pretty fun to hunt down the rogues.
hiddengecko Wrote:She makes no effort to hide that she is a death knight at all, short of wearing a hood; she in fact openly displays herself as such because she believes she should be ostracized.

From what Ben said in my thread, this is the thing that the group would be looking for.
Hello! Wow, big discussion!

Right, basically, We're not coming to KILL you, as was mentioned. Untold drama, etc. We're here to say, "Oi, c'mere, we got ladies!" Then tie you up with some kind of chain, tell you what's what, question you, and send you off to the Ebon Blade, or maim you. If you want the character to die, fine. This was mentioned in the opening thread.

The guild DOES have another purpose. There's an anti-guild to this one, so if you're up for inter-guild BEATING DOWNZ then join up! The other guild is those Nubs of Agony or something...Sanctum of
Krelios would love to join. Ever since he got his vacation leave from Acherus he's been bored out of his mind.
So... What are you going to do when someone refuses death and/or maiming which they can do at any time? Do realize just because this guild will have quite a few members, that you can't break server policy. I know of several knights who would outright deny your rendition of the Ebon Blade's rules, since no where does it say your guild's fanon is actual lore.
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