Conquest of the Horde

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The consensus is Arthas is dead, but it's yet to be known if other Scourge places are cleared ICly, like Stratholme, Scholomance, Naxx, etc.

Hoping I can get someone who -knows- what's going on in here, or perhaps Kret himself? <3

If the option arises to decide if a place is cleared or not, vote not. I have a guild built for this, mind you. >.>
They are not cleared ICly, as far as I know.
Can I get an extended list on Scourge-Related places that are/aren't cleared?

You guys managed to skip right to the money, it looks like. :P
If you see mobs there, it is likely not cleared ICly.
Noted. Ty.
Not true, lorewise Naxx was cleared before Icecrown. Zul'Gurub, Zul'Aman, the Sunwell, etc etc should all be considered clear aswell, ICly anyway. We just don't remove the mobs so that people can raid and stuff.
So will there ever be a list as to what is an isn't, mayhaps? Or do you have a link to one now, Am180? :O
dwellufool Wrote:So will there ever be a list as to what is an isn't, mayhaps? Or do you have a link to one now, Am180? :O

Well, my main evidence is that many of the bosses from previous expansions are listed as "Deceased" on WoWWiki and WoWpedia. Although:
Quote:By the time of the Cataclysm, the Scourge is little more than a shell of its former power. The Lich King is dead, the Scourge command structure all but wiped out, and the remaining legions of undead held in check by Bolvar's sacrifice. However, there are still sizable Scourge forces in the Plaguelands of Lordaeron who continue to serve their now-dead master. The island fortress of Caer Darrow, home of the Scholomance, is the major Scourge holdout west of the Thondroril River, and their forces can also be found in Andorhal and in some of the more easterly farms of the Western Plaguelands, a continued blemish on the slowly healing land.
A very low number of former servants of the Scourge have found their way into the ranks of the Forsaken. The val'kyr, the winged harbingers of the Lich King, were brought into Sylvanas' fold after the Lich King's demise; the Banshee Queen used their necromantic powers to solve the problem of her people's limited numbers by raising their slain mortal enemies as Forsaken.
I don't see Naxx as gone on either website, with the bosses being dead.

If I've read this correctly, Strath is the main base of the Scourge now, and places like Scholo and Andorhal are still populated by them. Strath now being entirely undead for Cata.
dwellufool Wrote:I don't see Naxx as gone on either website, with the bosses being dead.

If I've read this correctly, Strath is the main base of the Scourge now, and places like Scholo and Andorhal are still populated by them. Strath now being entirely undead for Cata.

Nope, Stratholme is actually divided between Balnazzar and the Scourge. Kel'Thuzad and all the Scourge commands in Northrend are dead. Andorhal gets taken by the Horde. Scholomance appears to be the only major place the Scourge control now.
But as of now on the server, between Cata and WotLK?
dwellufool Wrote:But as of now on the server, between Cata and WotLK?

Balnazzar probably controls Stratholme (though this isn't known yet), and Andorhal is probably still Scourge. But the Lich King and Kel'thuzad are dead, and most of the scourge commanders in Northrend as well. And with Bolvar controlling the undead that would have straight up become mindless, the Scourge is no longer a threat.
Cool, but they're there. Good enough for me. :D