Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Opening Wintergrasp
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Wintergrasp. You all know it. That beautiful, mysterious fortress in Northrend.

One tiny problem, however.

The door to the inner parts of it can't be opened.

Is there any way to remedy this? It would make a grand scene for your generic mysterious monastary/fortress/dungeon for relic hunting.
I'll look into it when the server comes back up.

From what I have heard, however, people have tried in the past with limited reuslts. Whether the gate is bugged, there are some specifications to use it or the area itself is bugged.

However, those are just rumors that I intend to prove or dismiss. I'll be editing this post shortly to include more information.
Yes, because nothing bad ever has happened when sealed doors are opened in a fantasy world. I second this effort...FOR SCIENCE!
Hmm... an RP battle in Wintergrasp would be nice. Anyway, there is not much inside there, apart from VoA... The best places in Wintergrasp, in my opinion are the areas other than the main fortress, like the ice lakes, or the sweet little forest bits in the corners.

Other than fighting the enemy Faction, not many people have any business there, and considering it's supposed to be a deadly war zone, I doubt any neutral factions would be too welcome there. To be honest, if you like that fortress, perhaps looking into using Strand of Ancients as an RP location would be nicer. Everything there is in the same style, however it is a lot bigger, and on a beach. But you probably already know this. ^^

It doesn't have to be Wintergrasp itself. Just random ruins we can explore.

Past the main gate is a small chamber and the instance portal to Vault of Archavon.

Because we cannot un-instance an area, Wintergrasp Fortress Interrior is, unfortunately, rather useless for RP.

The courtyard, however, can serve some purpose.

I hope this answers your questions!