Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Uninstanced Karazhan?
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Alright, done laughing people? Good.

Now! RP has been going on about right outside Karazhan for a long while now. Is it possible to RP in there? Perhaps not be Karazhan itself, but some vast library.

This also makes me wonder about the IC status of the place.
As far as I know server wise, it's still being controlled by Prince Malchezaar and is thus filled with ghosts and malfunctioning robot things and all manner of evil nasties. Which is a shame because the library there is epic. EPIC.
I want to RP in Karazhan, as well. It's a giant castle. It's magic. It has nice architecture. A pack of nameless adventurers swept through it and made everything dead again, including the Prince.

All the coolest places are instanced. :/
So, then can it be modified to be some...random...library of awesome? With an awesome bedroom up top? Without things that wand to murder your face?
Dunno. If you look up at the ceiling in the library (and this might just be a nod to Hogwarts and be magic) It's all misty and magical, which gives an out of dimension of reality feel. So unless that can be edited, it won't quite be realistic.
I believe that uninstancing is impossible on this core.
Sadly, you can't uninstance places on our current server core.

Otherwise, Tavren's wedding would have taken place in Karazhan.
Then, is there a way to phase the mobs out so we can RP in there and not die?
This idea does interest me. However, if by RPing near Karazhan you mean the catacombs, I do believe they're ICly located "somewhere in the middle of duskwood", and not in deadwind pass. Nexi might correct me in this one, though.
No, no. Marianna's tower actually.
Isn't Marianna's tower supposed to be part of it anyways? Like, a separate entrance, or something. Either way, it means RP and instances don't necessarily have to be so apart.

Or so I assume.
That's what I said, I believe. But, I am interested in RP -in- Karazhan, either ICly or not.
Unfortunately, instances revert after being edited. Other GMs tried to do it before in the past, and failed.
Shoot. Thanks for the look and consideration anyway.

Another suggestion for an RP location is here.
Reese777 Wrote:Isn't Marianna's tower supposed to be part of it anyways? Like, a separate entrance, or something.

Her tower is actually located in a remote mountain area of Deadwind. It is nowhere near Karazhan IC.

Also, to mimic what has been said before: Instances cannot be un-instanced in this core. This has been stated numerous times by Kretol .

Though a truly beautiful place, it shall remain (for the time being, at least, /wink wink/) un-used.
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