Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: How long ago?
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I see this question come up a lot concerning character history. We do have a timeline but sometimes it's hard to reconcile what event happened when and how it would affect the character.

I think it'd be handy if we could ask our own quick questions and find answers from the players. That being said, I have one question.

Quote:Stonard is the lone Horde outpost located in the Swamp of Sorrows. It was originally established by the Horde during the First War, along with a nearby base known as Rockard, as a preliminary base for the invasion of the Kingdom of Azeroth. It was abandoned in the aftermath of the Second War, but has since been re-established as an outpost with the formation of the new Horde and the orcs' renewed interest in the area.


How long ago would you say Stonard was re-established? About 5 years ago? Or maybe less than that?
I'd say at the beginning of classic. Renewed interest most likely being the temple of Atal'Hakkar, then the Dark Portal, etc.
I just have a quick, fairly easy question.
What is the specific year we're playing in (Within a range of 5-10 years would be fine) :P
Also is Project Gnomeregan in progress? (As in they haven't exactly started retaking Gnomeregan, but would they be making plans for it?
I believe year 38, not sure.
Also, they've been planning since Gnomeregan was taken, but no major military action.
Sherbert Wrote:I just have a quick, fairly easy question.
What is the specific year we're playing in (Within a range of 5-10 years would be fine) :P
Also is Project Gnomeregan in progress? (As in they haven't exactly started retaking Gnomeregan, but would they be making plans for it?
There's a group of S.A.F.E-looking military Gnomes that were GM-added at Steelgrill's Depot near Kharanos, so preparations are underway :D.
It's not year 38, let me find the year and I'll edit, one sec.

Year 32. But the date they have for Cata is wrong, I think.

Year 27.


Use this screenshot to figure it out :3

It's thirty-five, give or take a few months.

EDIT: And for IC reasons, it's Year 637 on the King's Calendar, used by the denizens of Stormwind and likely the rest of the Alliance.
Where'd you get 35 from?
Y'know that Wowpedia is the updated version of wowwiki right? ( ... ic_Azeroth)
Indeed, but I know that myself and... Well, likely the majority of the server, has used the old timeline on each of their profiles. Three years might not seem like much of a difference but characters like c0rzilla's Annabelle would be unplayable with that three year difference. (Anna would be sixteen or seventeen using the revamped timeline).

I need to see to having a couple minor things changed in some of my profiles then.
That needs revamping, as well then. Like the GM said, there are three years between wotlk's end and the start of cata. May I edit? (It wouldn't affect anyone's profile, just make the time jump correct.
We're not at the start of Cataclysm yet, so no timeline edit is necessary. Not even sure why that's on the wiki at all.