Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Rocket Mounts?
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I just noticed how awesome the X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME mount is. No one ever told me about this mount before, and now that I discovered it's existence, I can't get the idea of crazy Ratchet desert-wide street races out of my mind. Only problem is, these mounts are only useable in Outland 'cause they're flying ones.

I was wondering if it'd be plausible to make another item that'd have the same graphic as this mount, but make it non-flying. Perhaps clone an existing mount and just swap the graphic file? Just make it have the same stats as an epic mount, 100% movement speed increase, and nix it's flight abilities and it'd be awesome on a stick squared.

Also: Please add the Elemental Seaforium Charge schematic to the schematics vendor in Shatterspear. It's quite a vital component for engineers who want to make a Flying Machine, and the only vendor in-game that sells it has a nasty Outland rep requirement.