Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: For those relevantly affected, Tavren is dead.
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c0rzilla Wrote:Anyone consider whether or not Lost even wants to bring him back...?
Of course he would! This was nothing more than a setback!
Isn't this the guy who tried to steal the soul of my drunk mage?
CharizardDylan Wrote:Isn't this the guy who tried to steal the soul of my drunk mage?

Sounds about right.
muhaha8 Wrote:
c0rzilla Wrote:Anyone consider whether or not Lost even wants to bring him back...?
Also, what will become of that pet doomguard he had? Is it now unbound?
I had that discussion with Lost last night via MSN. There wasn't any clear answer. What I understood is that he is free-willed, but will likely stay with the White Sun for now. Correct me if I'm wrong in that, Lostnub, whenever you read this. >.>
Xigo Wrote:Find out ICly.
Splendid news, Chap! Might you direct Abby to his final resting place so that she can do the fandango upon his remains?

(I'll say, he had a really good run.)
Ooooooooh noooooooo, was that supposed to happen...>:333 nah just kidding it was from SNL, gotta say it whenever i see something tragic.
AM180 Wrote:
muhaha8 Wrote:
c0rzilla Wrote:Also, what will become of that pet doomguard he had? Is it now unbound?
These are not the droids you are looking for.
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