Conquest of the Horde

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The Death of Gargear Soundslinger

The grassy, fertile soil of Nagrand brushed against Gargear's bare feet as he strode apon a dirt rode somewhere in the tact Outlands territory. Walking along with his romantic partner, Pollie, and her friends Patrick and Celes, he made his way to a quaint patch of grass when he is suddenly stopped by the collection of companions.

Now Gargear had known these people for a number of weeks, seeing Pollie as his target of affection and undying love, he called out across the streets and inside the inn that he loved her without end. This intwined him with a cloud of events involving bandits from Dun Morogh, unbeknownst to him, he had declared his love at the wrong place and the wrong time.

As surprising as the declaration was, was how the relationship actualy grew, trust pushing Gargear up and farther than most dare to go when meeting Pollie, becoming a friend. But when the group of Celes, Patrick, Gargear, and Pollie went off to Nagrand for vacation, things went astray.

Gargear looks to Pollie, now staring at him. "What is it, dear?" Gargear speaks with some confidence. "Come here." Pollie annunciates in her usual low tone. Gargear of course will step closer, being as in love with Pollie as he is, standing infront of her. "I'm going to kill you." sais Pollie, Gargear thinking it somewhat a joke or hoax, confused desperately as he turns to the now facepalming and upset pair, Celes and Patrick, before noticing Pollie has an icelance to his head.

"Why are you doing this?" says Gargear nervously; Pollie simply staring at him, replying with normaly short answers. Gargear comes to knowledge that he is suspected to be working with the bandits of Dun Morogh, who have recently taken threats upon Pollie's friends and family, taking the lives of a few mountaineers already.

After pleading with Pollie and her friends, attempting to prove his innocence, he ends up on his knees, asking to let his own life be taken by his own hands, placing his hands on his head, sobbing as his malfortune has taken his life, Celes and Patrick suddenly knocking him out for he did not realise Pollie had said what he thought he heard; "He is innocent." she uttered, he felt somewhat acomplished, but in utter sorrow, seeing as Patrick and Celes knocked him out before he could react upon such information. Not blaming him as he was about to commit suicide.

But something went wrong, as Gargear dreamed about how he could prove his innocence a thousand times over, he felt the sharp kiss of steel, his unconcious body had been stabbed by Celes after his forhead being shot by Pollie, between the eyes. His brain was protected by the metal plating on his upper-facial region, having gotten there from surving the bandit attacks on his home when he lived in Gnomeregan.

Celes proceded to drag him off to Booty Bay, seeking people who know him, Dust being his business partner, took him in and began work on reconstructing his body to normal, not much work being in place but to get a healer to revive him, seeing as Celes had healed him of all bodily wounds. Dust doing his best through the night, he chemicaly repaired his bodily functions and organs, having the ressurection occur, and proceding to rest Gargear for a week for medical synopsis.

KILLER: Pollie - Celes

Revivers: Celes (Body escourt), Healer of random description, and Dust.

Temporary drawbacks: poor speaking quality, almost unable to speak at all. Continuously ill, conjested, headaches chronicly acompanied by mass of mood swings.

Long term drawbacks: The machinery in his body had melded and infused on to his organs and bodily systems, causing him to have unusual hormone imbalances, causing him to go into fits of rage at unexpected times or triggered memories being remembered.

Permenant drawbacks: Damaged facial tissue has deformed his face, the chemicals have changed his hair-color from the bleach he dyed his hair with, it has somewhat altered his mind into partial insanity. His eyes have been permenantly damaged and become sensitive from the slug between his eyes, causing him to wear welded on attatchment-able goggles. A permenantly altered voice from the damage made by Celes' sword, becoming more hoarse and deep. A chemical-susceptible circulatory system has been made from his destroyed bodily filter systems, at times causing him to go into extreme states of emotion and negative stasis.