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The Harbingers

“We have all fought bitterly for our independence, our free will. Now they seek to take that away from us. We have thrown off the shackles of the Lich King; why should we replace them with those of another?”
-Zalthiel Nightwhisper

Originally an experiment by the Ebon Blade to test the effectiveness of three differently specialized Knights working together, the Harbingers have gone far beyond their original design. Now recruiting members for their own ends, the Harbingers have established goals of their own, independent of the Ebon Blade.

Ever since an encounter with one of the Ebon Hounds, the group's current goals have changed towards securing independence for all Knights who do not wish to be subservient to the Blade's wishes, or anyone else who seeks to control them, and they are recruiting followers for this purpose.

Whether that is their only motive, however, is questionable. It bothers some among them that people aren't afraid of death (knights) any longer. They're too secure in their decadence, have already forgotten the Scourge, and the Death Knights that suffered at their hands. For every one person who respects the sacrifices of the Knights, a thousand more spit on them.

They feel it's nearly time to remind these people why they should fear death.


“Perhaps you think what you are doing is just, but it matters not. You cannot stop change for our kind, and we are the Harbingers of that destiny.”

The Harbingers are a collection of Death Knights currently working to counter the Hounds' movements: sabotaging their efforts, feeding them false information, and rescuing their targets. Their other goals have not been overshadowed, however; their other work continues in secret.

Their somewhat less known (read: secret, even among their own members) goals involve sowing dissension and misdirection among the ranks of those groups who could cause trouble at some later date, and spreading fear among the ignorant masses by any means necessary. Only the most trusted members will be privy to this information, but many guild members will be sent on missions whose impact is not clear to them. They are expected to complete it without question, however.

The Harbingers will lead their own individual projects, but all three are responsible for overseeing recruitment, training, mission organization, and promotion of knights, among other things. These tasks may be delegated once responsible individuals are located.

In order for their efforts to have maximum effect, the Harbingers must know where and when to strike. To this end, they are in the process of creating an extensive network of spies and associates who feed them information. These agents could be fully in the Harbingers' employ as moles within other organizations, information brokers, or could simply be mercenaries working with them on a case by case basis. It is their job to bring any pertinent or interesting information to the Harbingers' attention, particularly that which relates directly to the Harbingers themselves.


“I do not seek dominion over my brethren, but while we are still opposed, I shall lead.”

Harbinger- Harbingers are in charge of the organization. The guild is run jointly between the three Harbingers: Hel'anos, and Zalthiel are currently the only two, however; the position of Frost Harbinger has been recently…vacated. The strictness and approachability of each leader varies drastically based on who you're talking to; respect, however, is required no matter which it is.

Shade- Shades are elite spies and infiltrators. They infiltrate other organizations, gather information, sow dissension among enemy ranks and, if need be, perform assassinations and kidnappings. The duties of a Shade are many, and they are the personal agents of the Harbingers, obeying no other. While they must show a particular aptitude for the position from the beginning, they do train one on one with a Harbinger. Few in number, the Shades live up to their namesakes; they are ghosts on the breeze, enigmatic and rarely seen even by the rest of the guild. They are unknown to all but the most trusted Champions and Chosen. The Shades are also in charge of the Harbingers' intelligence network.

((This position is going to be tricky. It's going to require a lot of trust from the Harbingers to become one, both IC and OOC. The potential for abuse is higher than usual; this is not an OOC guild rank. They are known to only a handful IC. Keep this in mind if you're aware of someone OOCly who occupies this position. If you are a Shade, you will not show up on our guild roster. This will all be discussed in detail with hopefuls.))

Grave Guard- The Grave Guard are the personal bodyguards of the Harbingers. They are handpicked by the Harbinger they will be responsible for, selected from the ranks because they have somehow attracted the attention of a commander. Each Guard is always close by their charge, ready to intervene should a threat emerge. They have the authority to command any other member of the guild in matters relating to the safety of their Harbinger.
The criteria for becoming a Grave Guard varies based on the recruiting Harbinger; it could be their loyalty, their cunning, their ferocity in combat, even their race, any number of factors. Zalthiel's Grave Guard, for example, will invariably be Death Knights fanatically loyal to both her and their cause. There will most likely never be more than two Guard per Harbinger.

Chosen- The Chosen are those who have gone above and beyond, and have earned the Harbingers' trust. They are responsible for leading more important missions and ensuring everything runs smoothly within the guild. Essentially majordomos while the Harbingers are otherwise engaged, they are also all fearsome warriors. They are almost invariably Death Knights.

Champion- Champions are Knights who have proven themselves reliable enough to lead groups of Knights and select their own missions. They have authority over the majority of the guild members.
Before being promoted to this rank, each Knight must undergo a trial, or series of trials, unique to the individual. These will generally test strength, cunning, ruthlessness/ability to complete the mission, and, most importantly, loyalty.

Knight - Knights are the death knights who have joined the Harbingers and proven their loyalty. They carry out objectives as assigned, on their own or in groups. They can lead groups of Disciples on more basic missions.

Zealot- Zealots are non-Death Knight members who've become trustworthy enough to be given more assignments, which is a difficult feat. The approval of Hel'anos will be required to advance to this rank; Zalthiel has the ability to promote as well, but the chances of her promoting a non-death knight are low.
Zealots must undergo trials similar to Knights before being promoted, although theirs are more often than not more strenuous and harsh than those of the Knights. As they are not Death Knights, their devotion is in doubt.

Agent- Agents are anyone who has lent or is lending support to the group, but is better off not being associated with them. This includes informants within other guilds, mercenaries who prove themselves on a consistent basis, and others. They communicate with the Harbingers and, occasionally, Chosen and Grave Guard.

((This is not an OOC guild rank.))

Disciple- Disciples are new initiates, untested in both loyalty and combat. Each must be approved by two or more Harbingers (or the Chosen) before they are allowed entry. Disciples must obey commands given by anyone of a superior rank, and are required to complete basic objectives either alone, in groups, or under the guidance of a Knight. The promotion of a Disciple varies depending on which position they are reaching, but none are easy.

Member promotion is a big deal; if someone is being promoted to Champion or Chosen, expect a bit of a ceremony.

All members are required to be in above average condition and more than competent in their chosen fields. There are no uniforms, as such, but armor is expected. The intimidation factor is a requirement, however. No pink armor. The Harbingers will be wearing identifying colors while in the field, and their Grave Guard will be wearing something to make them stand out. Chosen will have a distinguishing cloak.

We have a number of hidden locations where we can muster strength, numbers, or simply regroup. These bases are on a strictly need-to-know basis; members below the Knight rank will generally only know the locations of one, possibly two. There are also message drop points for Agents and undercover operatives who need to communicate with the Harbingers unobserved. These are known only to the Agents that use them and the Harbingers.


“We are all kin in death, but sometimes fickle fate pits us against each other.”

As we are a fairly secretive guild, strolling up to someone with the tag and asking to join is generally not a great idea. We will have recruiters searching for prospective candidates, however, and if we discover a knight the Ebon Hounds are hunting, we will do our best to scoop them up and add them to our ranks. Blabbing randomly in a tavern about the Harbingers is a good way to earn a visit from the Shades, which is never a good thing.

You may be asked to join if one of our agents finds you acceptable IC, or you could simply PM myself (JVNemesis), Venomoly or Spiralin with a request and we can set something up.

Keep in mind, however, that this is a Death Knight-focused guild. Other classes are allowed, certainly, if they have the right motivations, but Death Knights have priority and non-DKs will find it more difficult to advance in position.

If you wish to apply for a specific role (Agent, Shade, etc), please PM me directly.


“Though it is independence we fight for, such insolence will not be tolerated.”

1.Members of the guild are expected to look out for their compatriots, and any promising but unaffiliated knights they find should be reported to the Harbingers.

2.Do not cause waves. Members may do as they please while not on a mission, but avoid any unnecessary attention. Do not piss off a cadre of paladins and then go hide in our base.

3.Follow the chain of command or you will be punished accordingly. Brazen insolence or disregarding orders will not be tolerated.

4.Do not allow personal issues to affect the guild. See paladin example. If you know someone who deserves to receive our attention, pass it along the chain of command. Do not take matters into your own hands while still associated with the Harbingers.

5.Conduct yourself accordingly at all times.

6.No names, no ranks, nothing identifying while on a mission or outside of the confines of our sanctuaries. Be discrete. Members are required to keep their faces covered on missions, and some base locations. You do not need to know the names of all other members; you will be introduced as necessary, but we will have ways of identifying each other.

OOC rules:

1.Respect, of course. We're all here for fun, but don't take yours at anyone else's expense. If you're being continually disruptive or offensive, I will warn you once, and then remove you from the guild. No discussion.

2.Keep IC IC and OOC OOC. I'm fun, Zalthiel is most definitely not. Same with any issues you have with other players. Leave them outside, and leave any IC drama IC. If it spills into OOC…see number one.

3.IC actions have IC consequences. Self explanatory, but it's worth repeating.

4.Metagaming. This is a big one, and probably more of an issue with a secret-ish guild than anything else. Everyone does it subconsciously sometimes, I know, even if you try not to. But deliberately doing it is completely different. Reading the forum and learning something, or simply checking guild tags, then using it IC is bad. It's a server rule, just like respect, but I'm reiterating it for emphasis.

I don't want to see it. That's all I'm going to say.

To remove the temptation as much as possible, no crucial information will be posted on the forum; no hideout locations, no names of Shades, nothing like that. Everything vital will be stated IC, so only those told IC will be privy to it. Just covering all my bases.

5.Godmoding. Another one. Most, if not all, of the non-PvP (and maybe some of those, if there's good faith on both sides) events that we will be doing will be trust fighting. Do not abuse this. I won't be nice about it. I dislike rollfights for a number of reasons, and I prefer to avoid them.