Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Well, that sucked.
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“Why is it always me…”

The death knight was talking. Repent. That was all she heard before the pain overrode everything. She couldn't scream, couldn't move, couldn't do anything. The pain always stunned her, Astia noted with the small part of her brain not immersed in agony. No matter how often, how badly she was hurt, the pain stayed the same. The warlock could feel her body falling apart, every boil on her body as it appeared, every spot of blood flowing from her body.
“Why is it always me…”

Her arms were falling away, falling into nothing. Her heart was bursting. There was blood in her eyes, blood everywhere. The pain was unbearable. It hurt it hurt it hurt it hurt…
“Why is it always me.”


There was no sound. No noise.

Emptiness. A lack of anything at all.
And then.

Killer: Anta.
Revivers: Tarania, Antia, Ventus, Edriana.
Temporary Side Effects: Extreme weakness and exhaustion.
Her bones are extremely brittle, strengthening over time.
Any stressful movement or situation overtaxes her heart, forcing her to rest.

Permanent Side Effects: Is obsessed with her own blood. Loves to look at it and attempt to return it to her body, usually via her mouth.
Is occasionally trapped in her own mind, forced to replay her death and other painful scenarios from her life.
Feels cold at random moments in her various body parts, despite her body not actually being cold.
Viewing a corpse or undead of any serious level of rot will cause Astia to enter a paralyzed fear. If forced to move closer, she will attempt to do anything in her power to get away.

Curable Effects: Utter fear of Fel and demons.
Utter fear of Death Knights.
Utter fear of the Barrens.
Utter fear of Kaldorei.